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 raisin ['rezn.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 葡萄干

    [ noun ]
    dried grape

    Raisin \Rai"sin\ (r[=a]"z'n), n. [F. raisin grape, raisin, L.
    racemus cluster of grapes or berries; cf. Gr. "ra`x, "rago`s,
    berry, grape. Cf. {Raceme}.]
    1. A grape, or a bunch of grapes. [Obs.] --Cotgrave.

    2. A grape dried in the sun or by artificial heat.

    {Raisin tree} (Bot.), the common red currant bush, whose
    fruit resembles the small raisins of Corinth called
    {currants}. [Eng.] --Dr. Prior.

    1. He noted the addition of chocolate chip and cinnamon raisin peanut butters on the supermarket shelf next to creamy and crunchy styles.
    2. Last spring, General Mills Inc. sued Kellogg over trademark infringement involving oatmeal raisin crisps and apple raisin crisps.
    3. Last spring, General Mills Inc. sued Kellogg over trademark infringement involving oatmeal raisin crisps and apple raisin crisps.
    4. The town is the hub of California's $150 million raisin industry, and Mr. Stewart's remark went over in some circles like a ton of prunes.
    5. This is actually the second legal battle this year involving Kellogg and a raisin product.
    6. Vadehra said the California raisin industry also got credit from some consumers for ads others did using the raisin characters.
    7. Vadehra said the California raisin industry also got credit from some consumers for ads others did using the raisin characters.
    8. The research firm Video Storyboard Tests Inc. said its surveys over the past two years have found the raisin ads the most popular campaign on television.
    9. Irate raisin growers phoned the TV station to say that Mr. Stewart's remark could undermine the raisin's image, which raisin boosters have spent tens of millions of dollars on advertising to improve.
    10. Irate raisin growers phoned the TV station to say that Mr. Stewart's remark could undermine the raisin's image, which raisin boosters have spent tens of millions of dollars on advertising to improve.
    11. Irate raisin growers phoned the TV station to say that Mr. Stewart's remark could undermine the raisin's image, which raisin boosters have spent tens of millions of dollars on advertising to improve.
    12. Raisin growers, who have spent nearly $8 million this year on ads, have asked California's attorney general to look into what they say is unfair use of the raisin name.
    13. The ads appeared last November on "Fresno," the TV spoof of prime-time soap operas that, appropriately, featured feuding raisin interests.
    14. The exception was raisins in the raisin bread, which tided her over.
    15. Industry sales rose 5% in November from a year earlier, says the raisin board, which gives credit to the ads.
    16. He and Ure - whose company seeks bids from various studios for each raisin ad rather than contracting with one firm - said their companies had a good relationship and hoped to work together again.
    17. They don't sugar coat them like some other raisin brans do." That is true, acknowledged Kellogg.
    18. Television viewers rated the California raisin industry's soulful animated commercials the best TV ads of 1988 for the second consecutive year, but failed to spot any advertising breakthroughs, a survey found.
    19. "You can then sift through the material" and "pick the plumpest raisin out of each cake."
    20. His half-hour CBS "A Claymation Christmas Celebration," including a soulful, street-corner raisin rendition of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," bagged fifth place in the Nielsen ratings for the week ending Dec. 27.
    21. The cookie, introduced less than two years ago, contains large amounts of fiber and comes in chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin and vanilla.
    22. The rest of the menu: shrimp and avocado en beurre blanc, supreme of chicken with cheese and herbs, almond and raisin rice, green beans, lemon and rum mousse.
    23. It is red, slightly tart, and about the same size as a raisin.
    24. "After watching the little raisins dance, I'm a raisin eater again," says Cindy Seaborn of Ottawa, Ill.
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