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 purchasing ['pə:tʃeisiŋ添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] 采购的

  1. Inflation reduces the purchasing power of people living on fixed incomes.
  2. Purchasing power has risen.

[ noun ]
the act of buying
buying and selling fill their daysshrewd purchasing requires considerable knowledge

Purchase \Pur"chase\ (?; 48), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Purchased};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Purchasing}.] [OE. purchasen, porchacen, OF.
porchacier, purchacier, to pursue, to seek eagerly, F.
pourchasser; OF. pour, por, pur, for (L. pro) + chacier to
pursue, to chase. See {Chase}.]
1. To pursue and obtain; to acquire by seeking; to gain,
obtain, or acquire. --Chaucer.

That loves the thing he can not purchase. --Spenser.

Your accent is Something finer than you could
purchase in so removed a dwelling. --Shak.

His faults . . . hereditary
Rather than purchased. --Shak.

2. To obtain by paying money or its equivalent; to buy for a
price; as, to purchase land, or a house.

The field which Abraham purchased of the sons of
Heth. --Gen. xxv.

3. To obtain by any outlay, as of labor, danger, or
sacrifice, etc.; as, to purchase favor with flattery.

One poor retiring minute . . .
Would purchase thee a thousand thousand friends.

A world who would not purchase with a bruise?

4. To expiate by a fine or forfeit. [Obs.]

Not tears nor prayers shall purchase out abuses.

5. (Law)
(a) To acquire by any means except descent or inheritance.
(b) To buy for a price.

6. To apply to (anything) a device for obtaining a mechanical
advantage; to get a purchase upon, or apply a purchase to;
as, to purchase a cannon.

  1. Bond prices, which had been up in early trading, fell in response to the purchasing managers report, and the stock market followed suit.
  2. Orders for durable goods, a key benchmark for the economy, surged 6.7 percent in March, and purchasing managers reported that the manufacturing economy expanded for the first time in 11 months in April.
  3. And finally, higher interest rates, softer land prices, and tighter restrictions on bank loans to property companies, have crippled the purchasing power of speculator groups.
  4. "There's a feeling in the industry that growing generic competition and a recent trend in high-volume purchasing of drugs by insurers is going to eventually choke off the ability to raise prices," he says.
  5. Stock investors were encouraged by a stronger-than-expected report on business conditions from the nation's purchasing managers.
  6. Eyes glaze over when monetarists talk about base money, velocity or purchasing power parity.
  7. Some 57% of the purchasing managers surveyed feel satisfied or optimistic about the next 12 months, up from a 39% satisfaction rating in December and from 48% last May.
  8. The purchasing managers' report showed a sharp increase in new factory orders.
  9. Investigators believe the ring made millions by purchasing handguns, assault rifles and grenade launchers from Lebananese militiamen.
  10. Unfortunately, the administration does not seem to recognise that the very same logic applies to the internal purchasing power of the dollar.
  11. Some British auto-industry analysts think Ford may wait for the volatile Jaguar shares to settle down before purchasing the maximum 15% allowed under the British government restrictions.
  12. Its monthly survey queries purchasing executives at more than 300 industrial companies across the nation.
  13. They have reached the level of the mid-1960s in comparative purchasing power, official estimates say.
  14. The average public school teacher is expected to earn 14 percent more in real purchasing power, after adjusting for inflation, in the year 2000 than now.
  15. Elsewhere, Lonrho PLC said it is no longer interested in purchasing any part of Mirror Group Newspapers PLC, Mr. Maxwell's other flagship company.
  16. Then the clerk will merely refer to the information that each passenger supplies when purchasing the ticket or checking in.
  17. In January, the UAL board said it would consider offers from Davis, but the agreement had blocked him from purchasing stock.
  18. Japanese buyers had shied away from bidding on the tower after Japan's Ministry of Finance discouraged firms from purchasing the Chicago landmark.
  19. It said that 16% of the purchasing managers reported higher employment, the greatest percentage since March 1985.
  20. In exchange, ITT received copies of internal government documents with confidential procurement information on two Air Force programs ITT was interested in purchasing.
  21. The U.S. manufacturing economy slowed in February for the 10th consecutive month, according to a survey of the nation's purchasing managers.
  22. But its purchasing power is still considerably greater for most of the items in a low income family budget. The Central Bank last estimate for inflation was 20.7 per cent up in 12 months.
  23. Also pleading guilty before U.S. District Judge Claude A. Hilton was Jack Sherman, a civilian purchasing official with the Marine Corps.
  24. The degree of decline may indicate if consumers are beginning to take a wait-and-see approach to purchasing a new car or truck.
  25. Overall the purchasing managers index for May rose to 45.4 from 42.1 in April, a little more than most economists had expected.
  26. The manufacturing sector continued to grow a bit in July, according to a survey of purchasing managers.
  27. The sellers include such high-ranking executives as Fred L. Turner, the company's senior chairman; Jack M. Greenberg, chief financial officer; and Lynal A. Root, senior vice president and chief purchasing officer.
  28. A 1987 consultant's report on the Whitley district said it lacked sound purchasing procedures, had attendance problems, spent too much time embroiled in politics and legal action and lacked high-quality teaching in areas.
  29. Furthermore, the nation's purchasing managers reported last week that materials prices continued trending downward.
  30. While the purchasing managers, like the government, reported that manufacturing employment declined in May, the group's index of overall manufacturing health rose to 50.7% during the month, the highest reading since April 1989.
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