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    Progress \Pro*gress"\ (?; formerly pronounced like {Progress},
    n.), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Progressed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    1. To make progress; to move forward in space; to continue
    onward in course; to proceed; to advance; to go on; as,
    railroads are progressing. ``As his recovery progressed.''

    Let me wipe off this honorable dew,
    That silverly doth progress on thy checks. --Shak.

    They progress in that style in proportion as their
    pieces are treated with contempt. --Washington.

    The war had progressed for some time. --Marshall.

    2. To make improvement; to advance. --Bayard.

    If man progresses, art must progress too. --Caird.

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