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 professed [prә'fest]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 明言的, 专职的, 宣誓后入教的

    [ adj ]
    1. professing to be qualified

    2. <adj.all>
      a professed philosopher
    3. claimed with intent to deceive

    4. <adj.all>
      his professed intentions
    5. openly declared as such

    6. <adj.all>
      an avowed enemy
      her professed love of everything about that country
      McKinley was assassinated by a professed anarchist

    Professed \Pro*fessed"\, a.
    Openly declared, avowed, acknowledged, or claimed; as, a
    professed foe; a professed tyrant; a professed Christian.

    {The professed} (R. C. Ch.), a certain class among the
    Jesuits bound by a special vow. See the note under

    Profess \Pro*fess"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Professed}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Professing}.] [F. prof[`e]s, masc., professe, fem.,
    professed (monk or nun), L. professus, p. p. of profiteri to
    profess; pro before, forward + fateri to confess, own. See
    1. To make open declaration of, as of one's knowledge,
    belief, action, etc.; to avow or acknowledge; to confess
    publicly; to own or admit freely. ``Hear me profess
    sincerely.'' --Shak.

    The best and wisest of them all professed
    To know this only, that he nothing knew. --Milton.

    2. To set up a claim to; to make presence to; hence, to put
    on or present an appearance of.

    I do profess to be no less than I seem. --Shak.

    3. To present to knowledge of, to proclaim one's self versed
    in; to make one's self a teacher or practitioner of, to
    set up as an authority respecting; to declare (one's self
    to be such); as, he professes surgery; to profess one's
    self a physician.

    1. A second high school student fatally shot himself only hours after a fellow student professed his love for a girl and shot himself to death in front of her and classmates, officials say.
    2. Avril was brought to power in a September 1988 revolt by soldiers who professed disdain for political killings and other abuses by the previous military ruler, Lt.
    3. The Japanese have for years closed off or severely restricted certain imports, particularly agricultural products, because of their professed need to be self-sufficient.
    4. At his best moments, he professed to be neutral.
    5. But Singh's professed reluctance for the job spurred two other candidates, Chandra Shekhar and Devi Lal, to enter the fray.
    6. Although the joint communique gave no hint of progress toward a solution of the Western Sahara dispute, it seemed to open the way to the possible five-nation North African community that has long been a professed goal of all the governments involved.
    7. He is particularly strong on the relentless spread of drugs. The book is sub-titled Finding Hope in Britain, but for all his professed optimism the evidence is that Ashdown found very little of it.
    8. Iran's professed goal of spreading its Islamic revolution strained its relations with several Arab nations.
    9. But the unassuming Weinberger professed amazement at the accolade.
    10. Mr. Robertson, admittedly bitter over the delayed renovation, chides Mr. Haagen's professed concern for the stadium's aesthetics.
    11. Many of the suspects interrogated by police professed to be upholding the Christian faith.
    12. Despite Bush's professed lack of concern, Republican strategists said that in turning to Bentsen, Dukakis had transformed one of Bush's strongest states into an autumn battleground.
    13. Kathy Pena-Sosa, a spokeswoman for Texas Cavalcade, said some objectionable scenes were deleted in the final editing from 73 minutes to 45 minutes, but professed to be puzzled by the criticism.
    14. Leslie Lowenfield, 34, professed his innocence as he was led into the death chamber.
    15. Although he professed not to aspire to politics, Sakharov was elected to represent the Academy in the new Congress.
    16. Bush professed as he flew to Kanas City to be holding out a hand of cooperation to Congress on its return Tuesday from a two-month recess.
    17. Avril rose to power in a September 1988 coup led by noncommissioned officers who professed disgust with the state terrorism under the military man they ousted, Lt.
    18. Since the April 1986 Chernobyl nuclear plant accident in the Ukraine, the Soviets have moved away from a previously professed faith in nuclear power as a completely safe energy source and public opposition has grown.
    19. The reason "plant closings" became the centerpiece of opposition to the trade bill is that the professed free marketeers of big business support the rest of the boondoggle.
    20. Most of all, Mr Boudiaf refused any compromise with the Islamic fundamentalists. He professed to believe that fundamentalism in Algeria was the result of economic crisis, the disillusionment of youth and subversion by foreign powers.
    21. The CAC-40 index put on nearly 5 per cent in the last week of August. To the professed puzzlement of Mr Fourtou, the bourse seems to be reading any worsening of the macro-economic news as simply accelerating a reduction in interest rates.
    22. Even the Libyans did not directly attack Cairo's invitation but professed to see no need for a summit.
    23. They said the committee might encroach on their republics' right to self-determination and the right professed by Lithuania and Estonia to veto laws passed by the central government.
    24. He professed to be having the time of his life.
    25. Egypt's Revolution claimed responsibility for the attacks in statements that opposed Egypt's 1979 peace treaty with Israel, criticized the United States and professed the pan-Arab philosophy nurtured by the late president.
    26. Too many of our prime ministers have professed a fondness for this worthy but dull game - among them Asquith, Bonar Law, and Ramsay MacDonald.
    27. President F.W. de Klerk has brought a new style and new possibilities to South African politics, but an array of obstacles stands in the way of his professed goals of peace, justice and black-white power-sharing.
    28. The front professed outrage that the Sinhalese-dominated government was making concessions to the Tamil minority, and its battle escalated into a challenge of the government's right to exist.
    29. Tutu says he does not endorse the ANC's use of violence but shares its professed goal of a non-racial democracy.
    30. Taking the stand to plead for his life, Webster professed loyalty to the congress but voiced some disenchantment.
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