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 premature [,premә'tjuә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 早产的, 过早的, 不成熟的

n. 早产儿, 过早发生的事物

[医] 早熟的, 早产儿

[经] 未到期的, 到期前的

    [ adj ]
    1. born after a gestation period of less than the normal time

    2. <adj.all>
      a premature infant
    3. too soon or too hasty

    4. <adj.all>
      our condemnation of him was a bit previous
      a premature judgment
    5. uncommonly early or before the expected time

    6. <adj.all>
      illness led to his premature death
      alcohol brought him to an untimely end

    Premature \Pre`ma*ture"\, a. [L. praematurus; prae before +
    maturus ripe. See {Mature}.]
    1. Mature or ripe before the proper time; as, the premature
    fruits of a hotbed.

    2. Happening, arriving, existing, or performed before the
    proper or usual time; adopted too soon; too early;
    untimely; as, a premature fall of snow; a premature birth;
    a premature opinion; premature decay.

    3. Arriving or received without due authentication or
    evidence; as, a premature report.
    -- {Pre`ma*ture"ly}, adv. --
    {Pre`ma*ture"ness}, n.

    1. Marcos Ronquillo, president of the Dallas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and a lawyer, characterized the firing as premature and said Knight should have considered suspending Moreno or placing him on leave.
    2. The company said it is attempting to reposition a number of its strategies and business, but said the efforts are too premature to discuss in detail.
    3. President Ranasinghe Premadasa has demanded that the India withdraw its troops by the end of July, but Indian says a premature pullout would lead to even more violence.
    4. Diplomats said the three resigned because they viewed Mr. U Nu's attempt as premature, and as a bid to exploit the chaotic situation for personal political gain.
    5. But as the fashion for emerging country shares spreads ever wider, nagging worries surface about the risk of overkill. On technical grounds such concern looks premature.
    6. He said, however, "We are involved with Jersey City, although it's premature to discuss the nature of our involvement at this time."
    7. "I don't see the economy going like gangbusters," said Victor Polce, vice president at Algemene Bank in New York, calling the market's optimism about an imminent U.S. economic recovery premature.
    8. But opposition to the agreement has spread in Moscow and Kiev, with senior officials in both capitals complaining that the draft text is at best premature.
    9. Allen said it was "premature" to estimate the value of the orders AT&T expected to receive through the partnership.
    10. But, he said, the offer must have been "premature" because "nobody perceives a need to divest themselves of perpetuals at the moment."
    11. Mr. Richards, the attorney representing Mr. Mozer who called the guidelines estimate obtained by this newspaper "frankly ridiculous," added: "First of all, your whole analysis is extraordinarily premature.
    12. But House Minority Leader Robert Michel, R-Ill., said the move "may be a little premature."
    13. Almost to a man, officials here reject immigration as unfeasible, unthinkable or at best premature.
    14. This is important when, for example, doctors need to know if weight gains of premature infants and other patients are due to changes in fat, water or muscle content.
    15. Sinner wants to promote closer ties with western Canada, but he says it is premature for the association to consider making Canadian premiers members of the organization.
    16. In Redmond, Wash., a Microsoft spokesman said that the company hadn't yet received formal confirmation of the Brazilian decision and that it was premature to comment on the matter.
    17. Anemia during pregnancy increases a woman's risk of premature delivery, and increases the child's chances of low birth weight and fetal death, the CDC said.
    18. But both he and Merrill say it's premature to predict the eventual returns of the two funds, which have nine and 13 years left to run.
    19. "I think that's vastly premature," said M. Danny Wall, chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board.
    20. Breathing difficulties are not uncommon in premature babies, whose lungs may not have matured before birth.
    21. Thirdly, generic competition to ICI's Tenormin drug had gathered pace. There were also hints that ICI was about to bid for Fisons, the troubled chemicals group; although not ruled out, such suggestions were deemed premature by marketmakers.
    22. Mrs. Schuller entered the hospital in May with premature labor signs and remained in bed until the babies were born.
    23. This is why the Soviets so took heart in Mr. Reagan's unnecessary and certainly premature absolution of the Soviet Union as an expansive state and why they so delighted in Mr. Gorbachev's personal success.
    24. Opponents, including many corporate executives, argue that premature disclosure of merger talks can artificially inflate stock prices, cause a deal to collapse and alert potentially hostile acquirers to a hitherto unknown buyout opportunity.
    25. India has said premature withdrawal would lead to even greater violence in a nation where ethnic strife has claimed 12,500 lives in six years.
    26. A Bank Board spokesman said the meeting was "postponed" because it was "premature."
    27. UAL Corp. directors reviewed California billionaire Marvin Davis's latest buyout offer Thursday but said it was premature to make any decision on whether to sell the company.
    28. But in a study of 350 infants followed from at least nine months of age, the therapy hasn't yet proved effective at reducing handicaps or other complications associated with premature birth, the company said.
    29. In Science (9/27/85) Curran, et al. examined "years of potential life lost" (YPLL), a measure of the impact of premature mortality, and reported that in the U.S. in 1984 among single men ages 25 to 44 AIDS increased the YPLL index by at least 5%.
    30. During one trip organized by Iraq, Western reporters were allowed to walk into the supposedly sterile premature baby unit, where three babies were in one room and two in another, the doctor claimed.
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