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 preferring 添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 更喜欢(提出,推荐,优先偿付)

  1. Preferring our pain, we'll stay and die.
  2. In practice, though, the EU rarely votes, preferring consensus.
  3. The tainted Sisters are seldom caught alone, preferring to attack in groups.

Prefer \Pre*fer"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Preferred}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Preferring}.] [F. pr['e]f['e]rer, L. praeferre; prae
before + ferre to bear or carry. See 1st {Bear}.]
1. To carry or bring (something) forward, or before one;
hence, to bring for consideration, acceptance, judgment,
etc.; to offer; to present; to proffer; to address; --
said especially of a request, prayer, petition, claim,
charge, etc.

He spake, and to her hand preferred the bowl.

Presently prefer his suit to C[ae]sar. --Shak.

Three tongues prefer strange orisons on high.

2. To go before, or be before, in estimation; to outrank; to
surpass. [Obs.] ``Though maidenhood prefer bigamy.''

3. To cause to go before; hence, to advance before others, as
to an office or dignity; to raise; to exalt; to promote;
as, to prefer an officer to the rank of general.

I would prefer him to a better place. --Shak.

4. To set above or before something else in estimation,
favor, or liking; to regard or honor before another; to
hold in greater favor; to choose rather; -- often followed
by to, before, or above.

If I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy. --Ps.
cxxxvii. 6.

Preferred an infamous peace before a most just war.

{Preferred stock}, stock which takes a dividend before other
capital stock; -- called also {preference stock} and
{preferential stock}.

Syn: To choose; elect. See {Choose}.

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