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 placing ['plesɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 出盘, 出售

[化] 铺设

[经] 私募资金

    Place \Place\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Placed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Placing}.] [Cf. F. placer. See {Place}, n.]
    1. To assign a place to; to put in a particular spot or
    place, or in a certain relative position; to direct to a
    particular place; to fix; to settle; to locate; as, to
    place a book on a shelf; to place balls in tennis.

    Syn: Put.

    Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown.

    2. To put or set in a particular rank, office, or position;
    to surround with particular circumstances or relations in
    life; to appoint to certain station or condition of life;
    as, in whatever sphere one is placed.

    Place such over them to be rulers. --Ex. xviii.

    3. To put out at interest; to invest; to loan; as, to place
    money in a bank.

    4. To set; to fix; to repose; as, to place confidence in a
    friend. ``My resolution 's placed.'' --Shak.

    5. To attribute; to ascribe; to set down.

    Place it for her chief virtue. --Shak.

    6. (Racing) To determine or announce the place of at the
    finish. Usually, in horse racing only the first three
    horses are placed officially.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    7. (Rugby Football) To place-kick ( a goal).
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    8. to recognize or identify (a person). [Colloq. U.S.]

    1. Marcos Ronquillo, president of the Dallas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and a lawyer, characterized the firing as premature and said Knight should have considered suspending Moreno or placing him on leave.
    2. Parking refers to placing securities in another party's name to avoid disclosing ownership to the government.
    3. But this is placing a huge strain on staff training.
    4. Just two days earlier, he had confidently signed an order placing all armed forces on alert.
    5. The placing with institutional investors, valued the group at just over Pounds 19m.
    6. Analysts said Mr. Barrett's appointment reflects the increased importance that Bank of Montreal is placing on consumer, or retail, bank operations.
    7. There is growing evidence that the Soviets are placing high priority on gaining access to Western computers with sensitive military, nuclear and space research information stored inside them.
    8. The reasoning was that by placing more private capital at risk, thrifts would be less likely to engage in imprudent practices that have depleted the thrift-insurance fund and will cost $166 billion over 10 years to remedy.
    9. LINCOLN HOUSE, the USM-traded home furnishing group, is to raise some Pounds 2m net of expenses via a placing and open offer and subscription. The company is issuing 9.07m shares at 25p apiece.
    10. Delays in placing the detainees in halfway houses was one of the issues n as triggering last year's uprisings at federal prisons in Atlanta and Oakdale, La.
    11. Although Mr. Kim cautioned against placing too much emphasis on data from a single week, he notes that the latest drop puts M2 below the midpoint of the Fed's target band.
    12. El Peruano, the government newspaper, said the decree placing Lima and its port of Callao under military control was a response to the call by the Shining Path for a general strike in Lima Friday.
    13. Five years ago: President Reagan paid his first visit to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, placing a bouquet of yellow and pink flowers in the gap between the monument's granite walls.
    14. FMC restructured in May 1986, loading up on debt and placing much of its stock in employees hands to deter any takeover efforts.
    15. 'We are telling the bank that Germany's future support will depend on better lending policies and increased efficiency.' Africa's growing impoverishment is placing greater demands on the African Development Fund.
    16. Your heirs will not benefit. So when you buy an annuity you are effectively placing a bet on how long you will live.
    17. Animal damage control officers with the U.S. Department of Agriculture will kill ravens by injecting hard-boiled eggs with poison and placing the eggs on elevated platforms where the ravens will find and eat them.
    18. Participants stayed away from placing major orders in anticipation of the release of U.S. first-quarter gross national product figures due out later in the day, he said.
    19. Under the settlement, companies will begin placing warning labels on cigars and pipe tobacco.
    20. The congressman admits to "poor judgment" in some dealings with Sauers but blames part of his predicament on "placing too much responsibility on my wife." The house "was my wife's project," he said.
    21. Appearing with some of the officials at a news conference after the meeting, Dukakis said he favored placing restrictions on small handguns but said he recognized the "perfectly legitimate right" of sportsmen and others to own guns.
    22. The placing is equivalent to about 45.6 per cent of the capital and values the group at Pounds 13.5m.
    23. Can anyone imagine members of the British House of Commons rising at every session, placing hands on hearts and reciting a pledge of allegiance to the Union Jack?
    24. A Senate committee has accused the Reagan administration of placing excessive political pressure on the Federal Reserve Board to speed up the growth of the nation's supply of money.
    25. The proceeds will be Pounds 5.5m, before expenses of Pounds 600,000. Mr Heap said the placing and offer would serve three functions.
    26. The price Smith paid for the stake was unknown. Details of the share placing had not appeared on the Seaq information service yesterday - prompting some speculation that perhaps not all the shares had been placed.
    27. In the past, the networks touted their shows simply by running promotional spots on their own network or placing ads in newspaper TV listings.
    28. The changes we have proposed will strengthen the process by placing control of America's corporations where it belongs, with the shareholders, the true owners.
    29. Hundreds of volunteers spent hours stuffing envelopes and placing posters around the San Francisco Bay area to try to find clues.
    30. Analysts said the airline was placing the order now so it would not have to wait long for new planes amid growing world demand to replace older aircraft.
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