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 pincers ['pinsәz]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 钳子, 镊子, 钳形运动, 螯

[医] 镊子, 乳牙(马)

    Pincers \Pin"cers\, n. pl. [Cf. F. pince pinchers, fr. pincer to
    pinch. See {Pinch}, {Pinchers}.]
    See {Pinchers}.

    1. "If companies can't compensate their employees, the employees will find a way to hurt you through inefficiency." Like many international airlines, Qantas got caught in the pincers of rocketing fuel costs and plunging revenue.
    2. A physical therapist used the metal pincers to "grab me in several places," Mr. Long says.
    3. Some workers were given special gloves or pincers.
    4. Before they resorted to metal pincers, authorities tried a number of methods to feed Sharansky whose weight dropped from 143 pounds to 77 pounds.
    5. Some victims had their hair plucked out with pincers or their finger and toe nails pulled out, the group reported.
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