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 personalities 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 人身攻击, 诽谤

    Personality \Per`son*al"i*ty\, n.; pl. {Personalities}. [Cf. F.
    personnalit['e]. Cf. {Personality}.]
    1. That which constitutes distinction of person; the
    externally evident aspects of the character or behavior of
    a person; individuality.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    Personality is individuality existing in itself, but
    with a nature as a ground. --Coleridge.

    2. Something said or written which refers to the person,
    conduct, etc., of some individual, especially something of
    a disparaging or offensive nature; personal remarks; as,
    indulgence in personalities.

    Sharp personalities were exchanged. --Macaulay.

    3. (Law) That quality of a law which concerns the condition,
    state, and capacity of persons. --Burrill.

    4. A person who is famous or notable; a celebrity.

    1. So despite his book's subtitle, he does not restrict himself to the immediate postwar period because the Cold War's origins lie further back, most particularly, in the doctrines and personalities of the Bolshevik state.
    2. When we reached the bottom it was as though we had crossed a divide between the two geographies and personalities of Ecuador.
    3. Clients ranged from corporate giants such as The Washington Post Co. and personalities such as Frank Sinatra and William F. Buckley Jr. to some of the most notorious figures of the day.
    4. Videotapes of a man accused of killing his daughter show him assuming the voices of "Satan," his dead grandmother and some other of the 10 personalities that a psychiatrist says he diagnosed.
    5. There are a handful of businessmen and women in France whose personalities are so powerful that they are deemed by the media to have earned the epithet of le grand patron.
    6. The redistribution of her client list 'was a proper exercise of management authority'. The case received much publicity because of the clash of personalities involved and the glimpse it gave of high-earning City life.
    7. The book details the events, personalities and politics behind the passage of the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
    8. The opposition parties, for their part, fear they will have too little time to reassess their performance and make a fresh impact on the electorate. The election will be about personalities more than issues.
    9. "Ambition, corruption and immorality in so many hearts have bred monstrous personalities," Guatemala's Roman Catholic bishops said in an anguished message about the wave of violence.
    10. Addicts are assumed to have deeply flawed personalities of which drug abuse and crime are symptoms.
    11. Leisure Concepts is involved in the business of licensing commercial rights to properties and personalities.
    12. At the same time, in a small overture to the center, the new government includes a few personalities that don't belong to the left.
    13. The Royal Philharmonic will lose its Arts Council money but carry on regardless. Hoffmann has been asked to ignore politics and personalities and assess the artistic potential of the orchestras.
    14. The newspapers had developed something of a cult of personalities, and his move to de-emphasize columnists prompted a few locally popular writers to leave (one was fired).
    15. The focus of the debate will shift away from individuals, personalities and events to a constitutional focus on the limits of congressional authority and power in establishing U.S. foreign policy.
    16. When there is no obvious difference between parties, voters are moved by the personalities of the politicians who lead them.
    17. The rest of the time, they're just running around like rabbits and not really thinking at all.' Gardner is an individualist, but with two personalities.
    18. Her wickedly observed (and reportedly all too accurate) portraits of contemporary Somerville personalities in Gaudy Night are echoed in her descriptions of 'Spooner looking as mad as usual' and 'Dr Dixey looking like a walrus' at Encaenia in 1913.
    19. He appeared to re-enact episodes of abuse and to take on the personalities of his mother, his sister and a cannibal from medieval England.
    20. "We're tapping the strengths of the personalities involved with each project."
    21. Dell, in his testimony, said Bonney's memory problems and inconsistent stories are the result of multiple personalities.
    22. Since the case became public, the victim's personalities have grown from 18 to 46. Police have been called to her home after she reported one personality was trying to kill her.
    23. The government will include members of all parties and also non-political personalities, Mitsotakis said.
    24. The BBC televised a seven-hour comedy extravaganza with more than 100 personalities to mark the day.
    25. But the studios were more than a business for the immigrants; they were an extension of the moguls' own personalities.
    26. Throughout the 10-week trial, spectators crowded into the courtroom to hear watch videotaped hypnosis sessions and hear testimony on everything from multiple personalities to cannibalism and the meaning of truth.
    27. Investigators believe the person Humphrey named is one of his multiple personalities, the newspaper reported.
    28. Those born under one or another of the 12 different signs are presumed to have distinct personalities reflecting heavenly influences.
    29. At one point this year, she estimated she had 86 personalities, but many have merged together, she said.
    30. "We did it," she said. "Anybody like us, myself and the insiders (her other personalities) will be able to get protection now." A Winnebago County jury on Thursday convicted Mark A. Peterson, 29, of Oshkosh of second-degree sexual assault.
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