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 passivity [pæ'siviti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 被动, 被动性, 无抵抗, 钝性, 被动结构

[化] 钝态

[医] 被动性

    [ noun ]
    1. the trait of remaining inactive; a lack of initiative

    2. <noun.attribute>
    3. submission to others or to outside influences

    4. <noun.attribute>

    Passivity \Pas*siv"i*ty\, n. [Cf. F. passivit['e].]
    1. Passiveness; -- opposed to activity. --Jer. Taylor.

    2. (Physics) The tendency of a body to remain in a given
    state, either of motion or rest, till disturbed by another
    body; inertia. --Cheyne.

    3. (Chem.) The quality or condition of any substance which
    has no inclination to chemical activity; inactivity.

    1. This counsel of passivity is what brought him to his current low state in the polls.
    2. The Bush administration is trying to keep the anti-Noriega battle cry alive, repeating calls for the Panamanian general's ouster in the face of criticism that U.S. passivity helped doom the coup attempt against him.
    3. The reason for the bovine passivity of personal and industrial users is the efficiency of the contraband market.
    4. Smith got the message - and underpaid her for the book. Villette, with its icy heroine Lucy Snowe, is the tale of a woman's rise from frozen passivity to eloquence - Charlotte's own Brussels story.
    5. Mr. Darman fears a tax cut "bidding war," but White House passivity only guarantees that most of the bids will be bad. Dick Thornburgh's troubles in Pennsylvania show the political risks of having no bid at all.
    6. AFTER YEARS of determined passivity, UK pension funds are finally waking up to their own power.
    7. Also working against change is the enervating passivity and dependence bred by the government.
    8. And her diction has become muzzy. Monica Dolan makes the ungrateful role of Virgilia into a very interesting study of passivity.
    9. Trustees are much criticised for their passivity in defending investors, so it is refreshing to see Law Debenture Trust taking the initiative to the advantage of Hepworth's bondholders.
    10. The Omaha, Neb., company, controlled by investor Warren Buffett, applied for approval in May and agreed to sign a "passivity agreement" that prevents Mr. Buffett from exercising control.
    11. Baker acknowledged that the president does have "a great respect for the first lady's judgment _ she has good judgment, she has good instincts and intuition." But the chief of staff argued that Regan overplayed the passivity of the president.
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