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 paraphrasing ['pærə`frez添加此单词到默认生词本
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    Paraphrase \Par"a*phrase\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Paraphrased}; p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Paraphrasing}.]
    To express, interpret, or translate with latitude; to give
    the meaning of a passage in other language.

    We are put to construe and paraphrase our own words.

    1. "When Gorbachev wasn't paraphrasing Yakovlev, he was quoting him directly," says Rodolfo Brancoli, an author and former Moscow bureau chief for the Italian daily La Republica.
    2. The problem was traced to "the faulty interaction of some of the new software with the old package of programs," Tass said, paraphrasing deputy flight director Viktor Blagov.
    3. "Politics must stop at the parched field's edge," Reagan said in Davenport, Iowa, paraphrasing a traditional foreign policy slogan that partisanship should stop at the water's edge.
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