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 nourished 添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adj ]
    being provided with adequate nourishment

    Nourish \Nour"ish\ (n[u^]r"[i^]sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
    {Nourished} (n[u^]r"[i^]sht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Nourishing}.]
    [OE. norisen, norischen, OF. nurir, nurrir, norir, F.
    nourrir, fr. L. nutrire. Cf. {Nurse}, {Nutriment}, and see
    1. To feed and cause to grow; to supply with matter which
    increases bulk or supplies waste, and promotes health; to
    furnish with nutriment.

    He planteth an ash, and the rain doth nourish it.
    --Is. xliv.

    2. To support; to maintain.

    Whiles I in Ireland nourish a mighty band. --Shak.

    3. To supply the means of support and increase to; to
    encourage; to foster; as, to nourish rebellion; to nourish
    the virtues. ``Nourish their contentions.'' --Hooker.

    4. To cherish; to comfort.

    Ye have nourished your hearts. --James v. 5.

    5. To educate; to instruct; to bring up; to nurture; to
    promote the growth of in attainments. --Chaucer.

    Nourished up in the words of faith. --1 Tim. iv.

    Syn: To cherish; feed; supply. See {Nurture}.

    1. During the postwar decades of Communist rule, the government-in-exile nourished hopes of returning home.
    2. But carrying 49 states appears to have given him a perilous illusion of infallibility, an illusion nourished by the sycophantic White House staff of his second term.
    3. Ralegh nourished a lifelong dream of El Dorado, from where he believed endless amounts of gold would accrue to his own capacious pocket and the royal exchequer.
    4. The fresh water marshes that surrounded the peninsula were nourished by bayous and streams running from the river to the Gulf of Mexico.
    5. Performers of these mightiest of Wagnerian roles capable of surmounting the peaks and staying the whole course were always in short supply, even when, unlike today, the finest traditions of Wagner-singing were as a whole amply nourished and sustained.
    6. A company is harvesting a steady year-round crop of spinach from seeds germinated in tiny polyester blankets, unaffected by the vagaries of the weather and nourished without soil or sunshine.
    7. Timothy's life is punctuated by visionary dreams, nourished and triggered by the extensive reading encouraged by his father.
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