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 nitrification [,naitrifi'keiʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 氮化合, 氮饱和, 硝化作用

[化] 硝酸化作用

[医] 硝化[作用]

    [ noun ]
    1. the chemical process in which a nitro group is added to an organic compound (or substituted for another group in an organic compound)

    2. <noun.process>
    3. the oxidation of ammonium compounds in dead organic material into nitrates and nitrites by soil bacteria (making nitrogen available to plants)

    4. <noun.process>

    Nitrification \Ni`tri*fi*ca"tion\, n. [Cf. F. nitrification. see
    1. (Chem.)
    (a) The act, process, or result of combining with nitrogen
    or some of its compounds.
    (b) The act or process of oxidizing nitrogen or its
    compounds so as to form nitrous or nitric acid.

    2. A process of oxidation, in which nitrogenous vegetable and
    animal matter in the presence of air, moisture, and some
    basic substances, as lime or alkali carbonate, is
    converted into nitrates.

    Note: The process is going on at all times in porous soils
    and in water contaminated with nitrogenous matter, and
    is supposed to be due to the presence of a bacteria,
    such as members of the genus {Azotobacter}, formerly
    called nitrification ferments. In former times the
    process was extensively made use of in the production
    of saltpeter.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

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