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 municipality [mju`nɪsə'pælətɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 自治区, 市当局, 市民

[法] 市, 自治市, 自治地区

    [ noun ]
    1. an urban district having corporate status and powers of self-government

    2. <noun.location>
    3. people living in a town or city having local self-government

    4. <noun.group>

    Municipality \Mu*nic`i*pal"i*ty\, n.; pl. {Municipalities}. [Cf.
    F. municipalit['e].]
    A municipal district; a borough, city, or incorporated town
    or village.

    1. He has degrees in sociology and law and has spent his life working as an official in the AD. In 1989 he was elected mayor of west Caracas, Venezuela's largest municipality.
    2. "It's just a matter of introducing it to people," Kusto Lieman, chief magistrate of the Sokehs municipality on Pohnpei, says confidently.
    3. The state monopoly on radio and television broadcasts began to crumble in 1987 when the Athens municipality set up a radio station, prompting the socialist government at the time to legalize independent radio stations.
    4. The municipality was first incorporated in 1645.
    5. In a typical pre-refunded issue, a municipality sells new bonds and uses the proceeds to buy Treasury securities.
    6. But employees of the Beirut municipality's road maintenance department were not on strike.
    7. The Cochabamba municipality holds a further 22 per cent; smaller municipalities 4 per cent; and the remainder is split among some 2,000 shareholders. Ende and the city of Cochabamba are expected to dispose of the bulk of their holdings.
    8. In the summer, tourists come by ferry to the island's sole municipality, a pretty harbor village called Tobermory (a name now better known as the title of a strange Saki short story about a talking cat).
    9. We are safe and we thank the Fire Department of the municipality." Fire Commissioner Carlos Rivera said flames had billowed out the windows when the fire first broke out, but a short time later only heavy smoke kept pouring out from some of the floors.
    10. By the time the alarm was sounded, a spokeswoman for the authority says, the municipality faced losses of as much as #200 million.
    11. They are determined, it seems, to incorporate at least a substantial part of the capital into their new ethnic state, although before the war the population was mixed, with a Moslem majority in every municipality.
    12. Such losses, if they had materialized, would have forced the municipality to levy charges of several thousand pounds on every adult inhabitant.
    13. "Bit by bit, each municipality in the country will be able to turn rock 'n' roll into easy listening music," Beal said.
    14. "He has resigned from the Interior Department, thus he has resigned from the municipality," he said.
    15. On Tuesday, the story of Avi Golan, a 40-year old father of four who set his tent in front of the municipality in Kiryat Bialik, led Israel Television's popular evening newsreel.
    16. Indianapolis, the only municipality with a bond bank, is equally distraught.
    17. The nearest municipality that draws from the water for its drinking supply is the city of Georgetown, along the coast about 110 miles from Jefferson, Berry said.
    18. Carel du Plessis, the George town clerk, said Friday the evictions will be carried out under a law giving the municipality authority over use of its land.
    19. A suburban community is toasting the upcoming visit of Mikhail S. Gorbachev by slashing the price of Soviet vodka _ a libation banned by another municipality when East-West relations weren't so merry.
    20. I'm not going to criticize a governor or a municipality that has to do something on the revenue side," he said.
    21. While the city says it's the first municipality to raise money for businesses in this fashion, both Massachusetts and Los Angeles County have done similar financings this year.
    22. The bearded count, without financial means, has been fighting since 1981 to keep his chateau, a dilapidated but historic monument which the municipality wanted to restore.
    23. He said the municipality will offer money to Arab authorities for repairing the monument.
    24. Earlier, it enacted the nation's first mandatory recycling law, requiring each municipality to sort and salvage 25% of its paper, glass and other solid waste by 1991.
    25. Benito Tolentino, mayor of the municipality of Sibutad where the cave-in occurred, told reporters that a lack of equipment was hampering rescue efforts on Mount Lablab, 30 miles from here and 450 miles southeast of Manila.
    26. While many cities require separate smoking sections in restaurants, Beverly Hills would become the first major municipality to prohibit smoking in these places altogether.
    27. The 150 voters in that municipality had before them a classic political choice: a Marxist-Leninst against what might be described as an American-style liberal Democrat.
    28. Only riot police in red berets and traffic police were on view as civil defense squads and municipality workers cleared broken glass, burned-out cars, fallen pine trees and broken power cables from the streets.
    29. "We're responding not to the issue, but (to) the right of a municipality to impose such a policy on a local corporation," Ms. Mead said.
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