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 morsel ['mɔrsl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 一口, 少量, 小片

    [ noun ]
    1. a small quantity of anything

    2. <noun.quantity>
      a morsel of paper was all he needed
    3. a small amount of solid food; a mouthful

    4. <noun.food>
      all they had left was a bit of bread

    Morsel \Mor"sel\, n. [OF. morsel, F. morceau, LL. morsellus, a
    dim. fr. L. morsus a biting, bite, fr. mordere to bite; prob.
    akin to E. smart. See {Smart}, and cf. {Morceau}, {Mordant},
    {Muse}, v., {Muzzle}, n.]
    1. A little bite or bit of food. --Chaucer.

    Every morsel to a satisfied hunger is only a new
    labor to a tired digestion. --South.

    2. A small quantity; a little piece; a fragment.

    1. Rice is on the menu, one of their favorite dishes, a special treat for her beloved pets. And as the actress turns and faces the bedroom there's no doubt those dogs will eat every morsel.
    2. SCIENCE today feeds the Hollywood hype machine the last morsel it needs to promote Steven Spielberg's latest film.
    3. Ms. Ataraya says she distributes leftovers in the following order: to her ducks and chickens, to her neighbors, and if a morsel is left, to one of the town's few beggars.
    4. But it would all be as sounding brass were it not for the press, which is so hungry for scandal that it can create a souffle from the smallest morsel.
    5. The "Zenda" tale is but one tasty morsel in the autobiography, a veritable salad bar of celebrity browsing: He was married at the age of 19 to Joan Crawford; the marriage lasted a blink.
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