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 mercilessly ['mə:silisli添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 无慈悲地, 残忍地

  1. He belaboured the donkey mercilessly.
  2. His cartoons mercilessly lampooned the leading politicians of the day.

[ adv ]
without pity; in a merciless manner
he was mercilessly trounced by his opponent in the House

Merciless \Mer"ci*less\, a.
Destitute of mercy; cruel; unsparing; -- said of animate
beings, and also, figuratively, of things; as, a merciless
tyrant; merciless waves.

The foe is merciless, and will not pity. --Shak.

Syn: Cruel; unmerciful; remorseless; ruthless; pitiless;
barbarous; savage.
-- {Mer"ci*less*ly}, adv. --
{Mer"ci*less*ness}, n.

  1. Often terrified of telling anyone they are attracted to the same sex, and mercilessly hazed or ostracized if they do, gay teens drop out more and abuse drugs more.
  2. One night, a young man beat her mercilessly, calling her a 'tramp'.
  3. Tow is a central Texas town where the summer heat bakes the hillsides mercilessly, winter temperatures drop into the teens, and late spring can bring hailstones big enough to kill a goat.
  4. By final reel the movie has become mercilessly multi-directional.
  5. The captain's refusal to answer charges in Q's star chamber may have relevance for Trekkers mercilessly judging the new show against the old.
  6. The probability is that many, if not most, have mercilessly been imprisoned.
  7. Whenever its four professional sports teams fail to measure up, the home crowd is sure to boo mercilessly.
  8. No other holiday exposes gaucheness so mercilessly.
  9. "Some people are going to exploit the trend in a merciful way," says "Unsolved Mysteries" producer John Cosgrove, "and some will exploit it mercilessly."
  10. But is it too orderly? The games marketed over the past couple of years have taken on a monotonous uniformity; prices have shot up mercilessly; and consumer services have eroded.
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