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 mentally ['mentli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 心理上, 精神上, 智力上

[法] 精神上, 智力上

    [ adv ]
    in your mind
    he suffered mentally

    Mentally \Men"tal*ly\, adv.
    In the mind; in thought or meditation; intellectually; in

    1. A few miles south, down a gravel road near the community of Lane, George Bradshaw and his two mentally handicapped sons live in a trailer roofed by a plastic tarp, without electricity, drawing water from a pump up the road.
    2. Winter's daughter, Lynn Kroger, said her father suffered mentally and physically after the stroke.
    3. Critics of the Senate bill said almost every defendant facing a death sentence would claim to be mentally retarded under the legislation.
    4. Peruto said Heidnik was insane and was mentally ill when he committed the crimes between November 1986 and March 1987.
    5. I want her in a regular classroom with trainable, mentally handicapped children just like her.
    6. The state Supreme Court, calling the drugs as intrusive as electro-shock therapy, ruled that an inmate who has not been found mentally incompetent has a right to determine what should be done to his own body.
    7. On Wednesday, the judge took nearly three hours to outline the 19 charges against Heidnik to the jury, and explained all the possible verdicts, among them innocent by reason of insanity and guilty but mentally ill.
    8. Also today, a mentally ill man who claimed to have a bomb hijacked an Aeroflot jetliner to Lithuania, but he was arrested without incident when the aircraft landed in the republi375.50, up $1.45.
    9. Police said they have four primary suspects, including Edward Humphrey, a mentally disturbed university freshman jailed on charges of beating his grandmother.
    10. The girl, who turned 18 on Wednesday, also said she is upset that the media has portrayed her as mentally retarded, according to a copyright interview in The Record of Hackensack.
    11. On Wednesday, an East German prosecutor said that doctors will decide if Honecker is physically and mentally able to face charges of corruption and abuse of power.
    12. He was indicted with his wife in 1988 but was found mentally incompetent to stand trial.
    13. Such a campaign will have its most devastating impact on the mentally ill clients whom he claims to be representing.
    14. The body was found by Zappalorti's brother Tuesday on a beach near a small lean-to which the mentally disabled man frequented.
    15. Palmer said witnesses for Penry testified he functioned mentally like a 7-year-old and socially like a 9-year-old.
    16. A month ago, Higgins denied the state's petition to renovate part of the Tennesee State prison as a special facility for 500 sex offenders and mentally and physically disabled inmates.
    17. Young people, usually between 13 and 15, and the mentally retarded were less likely to refuse to participate, he said.
    18. People considered mentally ill account for 28 percent of the homeless.
    19. The one characteristic which successful people have in common is that they are robust, physically and mentally. You could have one book and one film. The book would be Loom of Language by Frederick Bodmer about philology.
    20. "It's like a ball game, getting up for it, mentally up and physically up," Bush said.
    21. "I still don't think she is mentally ill," Peterson said after the verdict. "What's there to be sorry about?
    22. But not until it's over do you find out where it went." Portraying the physically or mentally impaired presents a challenge to film actors, who must make the part credible as well as sensitive.
    23. One daughter, Rosemary, was born mentally handicapped and is in a Wisconsin nursing facility.
    24. "I think you have to be mentally prepared," said the champion, Tommy Tatum, 41, a tire company worker who lives in Stedman. "You've got to have it in you.
    25. In the other, the Supreme Court said the trial judge erred in instructing the jury about provisions of the guilty but mentally ill statute.
    26. It poured funds into new group homes for the mentally retarded. It bought an advanced IBM mainframe computer that's the envy of nearby counties with two and three times its population.
    27. The warrant signed by a Municipal Court judge charged Puente only with the slaying of Alvaro Montoya, a mentally disabled transient who lived in the boarding house.
    28. They failed." Some mental health workers worry the incident has bred what one official called "a kind of hysteria" against thousands of harmless mentally ill people.
    29. An AK-47 was used by a mentally unbalanced drifter to kill five children in a Stockton, Calif., schoolyard.
    30. Charges were dropped after prosecutors determined she was too physically and mentally incapacitated to be responsible.
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