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 lynch [lintʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 私刑, 私罚

vt. 处以私刑处死, 加私刑

[法] 私刑, 私罚, 处私刑

    [ verb ]
    kill without legal sanction
    The blood-thirsty mob lynched the alleged killer of the child

    Lynch \Lynch\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Lynched}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Lynching}.] [See Note under {Lynch law}.]
    To inflict punishment upon, especially death, without the
    forms of law, as when a mob captures and hangs a suspected
    person. See {Lynch law}.

    1. He said much of the clamor for his resignation was coming from a "lynch mob" that included the press.
    2. Short was briefly jailed and protected from a lynch mob by Bat Masterson; he later was cleared.
    3. Few things are more excruciatingly unconvincing than the typical Hollywood lynch mob.
    4. There was a "lynch mob mentality" against Steinberg in New York City as the case began, but jurors worked hard to be fair, said London. "I think the television cameras had a lot to do with that," he said.
    5. A Soviet spokesman on Thursday likened to "lynch law" the expected U.S. trial of Gen.
    6. The committee opened public hearings on May 23, with Wright's lawyer, Stephen Susman, urging the panel to "stand in the way of a lynch mob" and dismiss the most serious charges against the speaker.
    7. The concern is that a kind of lynch law will undermine the credibility of the international rule of law. At present the US is determined to act as prosecutor, jury, judge and executioner.
    8. As for Mecham, Miller, said, "My main concern is that the governor gets a fair legal shake." Earlier Miller had said a "lynch mob atmosphere" was undermining his fight to save the governor from an impeachment conviction.
    9. I think that this doesn't really look much like a lynch mob _ (laughter) _ but as the saying goes, we'll know more later _ (laughter).
    10. The communal voice of the chorus is reduced to a patriarchal lynch mob.
    11. "We cannot just go out and lynch someone.
    12. However, the state never prosecuted the case, in which Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner were arrested in Neshoba County on a traffic charge and then turned over to a Ku Klux Klan lynch mob that shot them and buried the bodies in an dam near Philadelphia.
    13. Skeen later criticized Hyden's brief statement, saying "Not one time did he indicate any remorse." Wagner's attorney, John Seale, compared Skeen's efforts to put the three former lawmen in prison to those of a lynch mob.
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