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 loyalist ['lɒiәlist]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 忠诚的人, 反对独立者, 反佛朗哥派的人

    [ noun ]
    a person who is loyal to their allegiance (especially in times of revolt)

    Loyalist \Loy"al*ist\, n.
    A person who adheres to his sovereign or to the lawful
    authority; especially, one who maintains his allegiance to
    his prince or government, and defends his cause in times of
    revolt or revolution.

    1. If Noriega had been flown out, "the loyalist forces wouldn't have anybody to be loyal to" and the post-Noriega era would have begun in Panama, one official said.
    2. And now Kiszczak, a Jaruzelski loyalist with his own base in the army and defense ministries, has become head of government.
    3. He was detained again in August 1982, two weeks after loyalist troops suppressed a rebellion by junior air force officers.
    4. American and Italian aircraft evacuated hundreds of foreigners Saturday from Somalia, but fighting between rebel and loyalist forces prevented Italian planes from continuing the operation yesterday.
    5. Paisley is a Northern Ireland loyalist and head of the Free Presbyterian Church in Northern Ireland, which is vehemently anti-Roman Catholic.
    6. Police believe it was sent by an Ulster loyalist paramilitary group.
    7. "Certain members of the Ulster Defense Regiment have been involved in collusion with loyalist paramilitaries," said John Stevens, an English officer assigned to investigate claims by loyalist gunmen they received police files.
    8. "Certain members of the Ulster Defense Regiment have been involved in collusion with loyalist paramilitaries," said John Stevens, an English officer assigned to investigate claims by loyalist gunmen they received police files.
    9. 'If assurances are given the loyalist weapons will be laid down, and laid down quickly,' Mr Ervine said. Other unionists were willing to look on the bright side.
    10. Politicians not identified as pro-Marcos see the issue as a means of currying support among his followers without being tainted with loyalist label.
    11. Rebel army troops tried to seize power Thursday in the nominally independent black homeland of Transkei and clashed with loyalist forces, according to South African reports.
    12. The fighting flared up after the shooting death in Rashidiyeh Saturday of Omar Hamadeh, an Abu Nidal loyalist who was Tyre regional commander of the Fatah-Revolutionary Council.
    13. The conditions included an assurance that the new government would not be headed by a member of the non-partisan national assembly, the Rashtriya Panchayat, which is dominated by loyalist legislators.
    14. "Here we have an apprehension by the police of what appear to be loyalist weapons which, no doubt, could have been used against targets in the republic," King told reporters at Stormont Castle, the seat of government in Northern Ireland.
    15. One loyalist Tory said the debate about Labour's amendment to the Maastricht treaty was peaking too early.
    16. Haile Ghiorgis Habte Mariam, the defense minister, was the only loyalist killed and two soldiers were wounded, Mengistu said.
    17. Within hours, the Noriega-controlled National Assembly voted to fire him as president and to replace him with Manuel Solis Palma, a Noriega loyalist.
    18. They had been growing increasingly angry that on several occasions the government whips had not tried to force a vote on extending the sitting because they were likely to lose. One loyalist said: 'It was nice to have a government win on Maastricht.'
    19. Although he was a GOP loyalist, McClory was one of the leading House supporters of an article of impeachment in 1974 charging Nixon with abusing his constitutional powers in the Watergate matter.
    20. During the 1937 siege of Madrid, her defiant phrase _ "They shall not pass!" _ became the battle cry of loyalist Republican forces.
    21. The attack followed death threats by the loyalist Ulster Freedom Fighters terrorist group.
    22. At about 11 p.m. gunfire broke out near the hotel, with snipers firing toward loyalist troops.
    23. But once he trusts, he is a loyalist.
    24. "It's a standoff," another diplomat said. "I think they're just staring each other down," he said, referring to the rebels and loyalist troops.
    25. It has injured people on the streets, immunised its own murderers from prosecution and committed terrible injustices. 'There are three armed struggles in Northern Ireland involving the IRA, the loyalist paramilitaries and the British.
    26. Siwicki, another Jaruzelski loyalist, had been defense minister since 1983.
    27. On Sunday, loyalist troops fought off a furious attack by the rebels on the military headquarters at Camp Aguinaldo, and about 600 mutineers surrendered.
    28. Mutineers fire 105mm howitzers, but loyalist troops stave off the attack.
    29. Police believe it had been sent by an Ulster loyalist paramilitary group.
    30. A soldier photographed a colleague in front of a memorial in memory of 26 dead local IRA volunteers and other civilians who had died at the hands of the security forces and loyalist paramilitaries.
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