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 litigious [li'tidʒәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 好诉讼的, 好争论的

[法] 关于诉讼的, 可引起诉讼的, 好诉讼的

    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to litigation

    2. <adj.pert>
    3. inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits

    4. <adj.all>
      a style described as abrasive and contentious
      a disputatious lawyer
      a litigious and acrimonious spirit

    Litigious \Li*ti"gious\, a. [L. litigiosus, fr. litigium
    dispute, quarrel, fr. litigare: cf. F. litigieux. See
    1. Inclined to initiate lawsuits; given to the practice of
    contending in law; fond of litigation. `` A pettifogging
    attorney or a litigious client.'' --Macaulay.

    Soldiers find wars, and lawyers find out still
    Litigious men, who quarrels move. --Donne.

    2. Hence: Quarrelsome; contentious; argumentative.

    3. Subject to contention; disputable; controvertible;
    debatable; doubtful; precarious. --Shak.

    No fences, parted fields, nor marks, nor bounds,
    Distinguished acres of litigious grounds. --Dryden.

    4. Of or pertaining to legal disputes.

    Nor brothers cite to the litigious bar. --Young.

    1. But this cannot be news to the most litigious nation on earth.
    2. In an already litigious society, that encourages people "to rush to the courthouse rather than resolve disputes person to person," says San Diego Municipal Court Judge William Mudd.
    3. In a litigious and uninsurable business like waste management, mistakes can be costly.
    4. The settlement sobered local craftsmen, who began to view Ms. Elliott as a litigious woman with the means to clobber them in court.
    5. IBM, once known for maintaining a private army of lawyers, hasn't been especially litigious in recent years.
    6. Some doctors fault the medical system, along with medical-school training and litigious patients, for attitudinal shortcomings.
    7. "They're litigious, and that's sad," says Cecil Riley, a former Oakland city manager who resigned in disgust last year after 11 years as Rossmoor's general manager.
    8. Ours is a very litigious society.
    9. This elicited from Mr. Lane a letter full of such words as "false and malicious" and other litigious language we wouldn't have expected from someone who presumes to veto judicial nominees for "judicial temperament."
    10. The potentially litigious Drexel bankruptcy, meanwhile, was hassled along by a ruthless octogenarian, Judge Milton Pollack.
    11. With Maxwell, what's alarming is how complex and interrelated things are." The prickly and litigious Mr. Maxwell lashes out at those who suggest his empire is wobbly.
    12. The benefits of Chapter 11 often outweigh the risks, even in the litigious US.
    13. Pring and Canan said it also could be the result of a generally more litigious society, noting that many SLAPPs are unrelated to the environment but instead are filed by local or school officials against citizens or parents.
    14. He tried to kill off the suit early on by denying Mr. Young a waiver of his filing costs, figuring he was "litigious and attempting to use the courts for harassment," the judge wrote in July 1984.
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