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 launch [lɔntʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 下水, 汽艇, 发射

vt. 使下水, 发射, 发动

vi. 起飞, 下水, 投入, 开始

[经] 送出


    Launch \Launch\, v. i.
    To move with force and swiftness like a sliding from the
    stocks into the water; to plunge; to make a beginning; as, to
    launch into the current of a stream; to launch into an
    argument or discussion; to launch into lavish expenditures;
    -- often with out.

    Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a
    draught. --Luke v. 4.

    He [Spenser] launches out into very flowery paths.

    Launch \Launch\ (l[add]nch or l[aum]nch), v. i. [imp. & p. p.
    {Launched} (l[add]ncht or l[aum]ncht); p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Launching}.] [OE. launchen to throw as a lance, OF.
    lanchier, another form of lancier, F. lancer, fr. lance
    lance. See {Lance}.] [Written also {lanch}.]
    1. To throw, as a lance or dart; to hurl; to let fly.

    2. To strike with, or as with, a lance; to pierce. [Obs.]

    Launch your hearts with lamentable wounds.

    3. To cause to move or slide from the land into the water; to
    set afloat; as, to launch a ship.

    With stays and cordage last he rigged the ship,
    And rolled on levers, launched her in the deep.

    4. To send out; to start (one) on a career; to set going; to
    give a start to (something); to put in operation; as, to
    launch a son in the world; to launch a business project or

    All art is used to sink episcopacy, and launch
    presbytery in England. --Eikon

    Launch \Launch\, n.
    1. The act of launching.

    2. The movement of a vessel from land into the water;
    especially, the sliding on ways from the stocks on which
    it is built.

    3. [Cf. Sp. lancha.] (Naut.) The boat of the largest size
    belonging to a ship of war; also, an open boat of any size
    driven by steam, naphtha, electricity, or the like.

    {Launching ways}. (Naut.) See {Way}, n. (Naut.).

    1. 'I'll pick it up and put it straight in the box.' The general indifference towards next month's elections is partly because the political parties have yet to launch their campaigns.
    2. NASA officials Sunday said they would not set a new launch date until Monday.
    3. The last launch of a Titan 34D was from Florida on Sept. 2, but sources told The Associated Press it failed to orbit its payload because the rocket's third stage failed to reignite.
    4. In Saturday's attempted launch, Tass initially announced a four-hour delay but then said blastoff had been delayed indefinitely.
    5. The entire dispute settlement process of the WTO, one of the main US objectives in the launch of the Uruguay Round, could thus be put at risk.
    6. The liftoff opportunity, dictated by Magellan's path to Venus and lighting conditions at emergency landing sites, lasts only 23 minutes, one of the shortest launch windows in shuttle history.
    7. To persuade the old-line Takashimaya Co. department-store chain to help him launch his own department stores, he took an unwelcomed 10% stake in the company.
    8. Discovery is poised on one launch pad at Cape Canaveral, Fla., and Columbia was scheduled Sunday to be rolled out to another pad 1.6 miles away.
    9. The concert will launch a five-year campaign to raise $800 million for the Memorial Fund for Disaster Relief, said founding member Roger Waters.
    10. A NASA doctor caused the cancellation of plans to have President Nixon have dinner with the Apollo 11 astronauts before the launch of that first moon-landing mission.
    11. Another orbiter is being built as a replacement for Challenger and is scheduled for its first launch in early 1992.
    12. "With the trademark question out of the way, this allowed us to launch ourselves into the market," Diez said.
    13. Tresor, the new Lancome fragrance, has been lavishly promoted since its launch two years ago and is now one of the world's top five perfumes. The pressure on L'Oreal's research and marketing budgets seems set to intensify in the future.
    14. At this point, Sieck will poll the members of the launch team to determine if there are any problems.
    15. Kyodo News Service reported the launch was mainly aimed at checking air resistance and vibration as the rocket flies in the atmosphere.
    16. After the launch, an official from Asia Satellite announced that the company would donate the use of six of the satellite's 24 transponders to Asian broadcasters covering the Asian Games in Beijing this September.
    17. Code-named X200, this car is due for launch in 1998.
    18. THE PENTAGON is seeking $250 million in additional funding for the current fiscal year to begin work on a Star Wars launch vehicle.
    19. "Our armed forces will close in an iron rank against those who try to challenge us and will make Iraq and Kuwait a grave yard for those who launch any aggression," the Iraqi statement said.
    20. The fickle weather at the Florida launch site has been a persistent problem, forcing numerous delays and postponements of previous shuttle launches.
    21. A McDonnell Douglas spokesman said the contract calls for the company to build and launch the seven vehicles over a three-year period.
    22. In a telephone interview yesterday, Amstrad Chairman Alan Sugar declined to comment on his company's product plans, beyond saying it aims to launch "some new machines later this year."
    23. But they also said they would never launch a solo attack.
    24. Engineers replaced the unit with one from space shuttle Columbia and began the testing of it on the launch pad Tuesday.
    25. Denmark contended that the higher VAT wouldn't affect prices and that the government would launch an information campaign to persuade wholesalers and retailers not to raise their prices.
    26. "Today I bring you only good news," NASA test director Al Sofge said today. "The launch vehicle is in good shape.
    27. How did these three get into court in the first place to try to block a $1.5 billion launch?
    28. It was the 55th Trident 1 launch since 1977 and the 30th from a submerged submarine, Illingworth said.
    29. To ensure a quicker launch, NASA and the Air Force had it redesigned to fit into the $65 million Atlas.
    30. If the West German agency chooses the Titan vehicle, the launch will be made from Cape Canaveral, Fla., Martin Marietta said.
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