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 laudable ['lɒ:dәbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 值得赞赏的, 值得佩服的

[医] 健康的

    [ adj ]
    worthy of high praise
    applaudable efforts to save the environmenta commendable sense of purpose
    laudable motives of improving housing conditions
    a significant and praiseworthy increase in computer intelligence

    Laudable \Laud"a*ble\, a. [L. laudabilis: cf. OE. laudable. See
    {Laud}, v. i.]
    1. Worthy of being lauded; praiseworthy; commendable; as,
    laudable motives; laudable actions; laudable ambition.

    2. (Med.) Healthy; salubrious; normal; having a disposition
    to promote healing; not noxious; as, laudable juices of
    the body; laudable pus. --Arbuthnot.

    1. Some provisions are indisputably laudable.
    2. Very laudable, but it would be a brave soul who believed that everything on offer was of merit.
    3. These goals are certainly laudable.
    4. The European initiative to establish a safe haven for the Kurds in northern Iraq, though laudable, is at best a short-term solution to a longer-term problem.
    5. Indeed, Mayor Washington is doing this right now with black supporters as befits his perfect right, a laudable activity in the direction of party-building.
    6. Not for the first time, London seems determined to be more royalist than the king, or rather more Atlanticist than Washington. Britain's desire to reintegrate France into the common defence of Europe is, if sincere, entirely laudable.
    7. Alas, like Bobby Ewing's death on "Dallas," these laudable sentiments were only a dream.
    8. "We feel that General Motors at its highest leadership has demonstrated a sincere commitment to undo the damage that has been done, and we feel their efforts are laudable and sincere," said T.J. Anthony, administrative aide to Mr. Hongisto.
    9. Mr. Bell's laudable goal of "decolonizing black minds" would require an emancipation from reliance on government and overemphasis on race and class.
    10. Today he will announce the measures necessary to replace it; yesterday interest rates were increased. The government's determination to hold down inflation is laudable.
    11. A laudable aim but frequently unfulfilled.
    12. For, while raising female employment may be a laudable policy goal, and labour market deregulation the fastest route to success, the evidence does not suggest that it is also a route to lower unemployment.
    13. In pursuit of this laudable goal, the 62-year-old official employs a sharp-edged nationalism rarely seen among scientists.
    14. "While the goals of the sobriety checkpoint program are laudable, the program fails to qualify as a reasonable seizure under the Fourth Amendment," the three-judge appeals panel wrote in a unanimous opinion.
    15. The goal is laudable, but perhaps it's not the most efficient mechanism." Mr. Flam says it would be more efficient to place a small surcharge on every TV set, with the proceeds going toward purchases of the external decoding box.
    16. He said that all three stories were newsworthy in their own right, and concluded: 'Accuracy and balance in individual articles and stories is laudable.
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