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 kerosene ['kɛrə`sin]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 煤油, 火油, 灯油

[化] 煤油

[医] 煤油

[经] 煤油

    [ noun ]
    a flammable hydrocarbon oil used as fuel in lamps and heaters

    Kerosene \Ker"o*sene`\, n. [Gr. ? wax.]
    An oil used for illuminating purposes, formerly obtained from
    the distillation of mineral wax, bituminous shale, etc., and
    hence called also {coal oil}. It is now produced in immense
    quantities, chiefly by the distillation and purification of
    petroleum. It consists chiefly of several hydrocarbons of the
    methane series, having from 10 to 16 carbon atoms in each
    molecule, and having a higher boiling point (175 - 325[deg]
    C) than gasoline or the petroleum ethers, and a lower boling
    point than the oils.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    1. The bankrupt state oil company will not supply kerosene to the soup kitchens, as its part in the emergency program, unless the government pays for it.
    2. The 39-foot-high kerosene tank exploded in a residential area Tuesday morning while two workers soldered a pipeline at its base.
    3. And some consumer activists say the FAA should resume research on a fire-resistant fuel called anti-misting kerosene.
    4. The refinery unit has a capacity of 70,000 barrels of crude oil a day and produces gasoline, propane, kerosene and other diesel fuels.
    5. And kerosene lamps for light, that is also a pleasure.
    6. Sinhalese with revolvers ordered passengers to get off, then poured kerosene on the vehicles and set them on fire, said a police official.
    7. The contract will be for physical delivery of 1,000 barrels of fungible aviation kerosene, Colonial Grade 51 to the US Gulf coast. Until now, only the New York Mercantile Exchange had offered US energy futures.
    8. A bus arrives bound for Monterrey, but thoughts of bravery are dispelled by a whiff of its kerosene and nicotine interior.
    9. The depot, which supplies area gasoline station and other petroleum users, includes 14 tanks capable of holding 1.1 million gallons, in addition to several small tanks containing two grades of gasoline, diesel fuel and kerosene.
    10. The kerosene, usually used as a solvent and for fueling lamps and furnaces, posed no threat to riverside residents, Falk said.
    11. Seven others, some clad in nightclothes, were splashed with kerosene and covered with dirt in a grave authorities believe was dug before the killings.
    12. Thursday's strike went on as scheduled despite an announcement by Ershad on Monday that he was slashing the tax proposals and would not place any levies on kerosene oil, edible oil, soap and salt.
    13. From the open doors and windows of houses by the roadside came the flickering warm light of kerosene lamps; from the trees and vegetable plots and clearings around them came the colder, steadier, phosphorescent glow of a thousand fireflies.
    14. People should never use gasoline or other fuels in kerosene heaters.
    15. On May 24, more than 100,000 people were forced out of the area around a gas and kerosene supply depot in the northern city of Chihuahua.
    16. Use only 1K kerosene in kerosene heaters.
    17. Use only 1K kerosene in kerosene heaters.
    18. Horton and about 100 volunteers spent the weekend lining up everything from operating equipment and wheelchairs to kerosene generators and cooking stoves.
    19. They are back to the 19th century methods of boiling water on kerosene stoves for the operation rooms," the spokesman said.
    20. After they are dried they are macerated with kerosene in plastic covered pits to become paste. After further processings in labs located in the Bolivian lowlands as well as in Colombia and Brazil, the paste is transformed into cocaine.
    21. Although the family's house was heavily damaged in a June fire, the family continued to live there, using candles and kerosene heaters.
    22. A fire apparently started by a kerosene heater spread through four row houses early Sunday, killing five people and forcing 17 others to flee, authorities said.
    23. The more fearful Arabs, such as the Saudis, have begun hedging their bets by seeking closer ties to Iran through cooperation on oil policy and reportedly through the sale of products such as kerosene to Iran.
    24. The Soviets also use the highway to carry flour, eggs, kerosene and fuel to the capital, where food and fuel shortages have been reported in recent weeks, partly due to guerrilla attacks on convoys moving on the highway.
    25. After giving David a sleeping pill in a Buena Park motel room, Rothenberg poured kerosene on the bed, set it on fire and fled.
    26. Most are operating 25 percent above their designated capacities to boost production of refined products such as fuel oil and kerosene.
    27. The fire, which apparently was started by a kerosene heater in the basement, caused extensive damage to the house and its contents, Schaper said.
    28. The men, descendants of Borneo's headhunters, their arms and legs covered in tattoos, sit round a flickering kerosene lamp.
    29. The barge was carrying a total of 30,000 barrels of kerosene, or 1.26 million gallons, Falk said.
    30. At other levels of the tower come portions of the oil that can be used in diesel and kerosene.
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