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 investigation [in,vesti'geiʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 调查, 审查

[医] 调查, 调查研究

[经] 调查, 调查研究

    [ noun ]
    1. an inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities

    2. <noun.cognition>
      there was a congressional probe into the scandal
    3. the work of inquiring into something thoroughly and systematically

    4. <noun.act>

    Investigation \In*ves`ti*ga"tion\, n. [L. investigatio: cf. F.
    The act of investigating; the process of inquiring into or
    following up; research; study; inquiry, esp. patient or
    thorough inquiry or examination; as, the investigations of
    the philosopher and the mathematician; the investigations of
    the judge, the moralist.

    1. "GE has become aware of the investigation by the Israeli government," said a GE spokesman.
    2. He said the investigation would be turned over to the Will County state's attorney's office.
    3. Robert D. Bodily, 33, was held today without bail at the San Bernardino County Jail for investigation of attempted murder of police Sgt. Ron Schwenka, said police Sgt. Dan Hernandez.
    4. A lengthy investigation by U.S., Italian and Canadian law enforcement authorities resulted in the arrests on Monday at seven locations in the city and on Long Island, law enforcement officials said.
    5. Eighteen people were arrested in an investigation into attempts by the Mafia to scare off competition for construction contracts.
    6. Robert Morgenthau, the Manhattan district attorney, has previously accused the Justice Department of refusing to cooperate in his investigation of BCCI.
    7. But if the ethics committee is serious about this investigation, Mr. Gray has a lurid tale to tell.
    8. He said the wheel was one of four on the right main landing gear. The cause of the mishap is under investigation.
    9. Rubin said he wanted access to the Navy investigation and wanted to go aboard the USS Iowa.
    10. The disclosure came amid Anglo-Irish tensions following the killing of a Catholic man on Sunday by a British soldier and the Irish government's decision to conduct its own investigation of the slaying, which occurred in Northern Ireland.
    11. The case is the first in which the U.S. government based its criminal investigation solely on corporate negligence, said prosecutor David Marshall.
    12. An investigation into the death of Christopher Lumbrera continues.
    13. Military police launched an investigation into the incident, the officials said.
    14. "I have no knowledge of any investigation of me or my office," he said in a telephone interview.
    15. Eleven FBI agents who conducted the leak investigation took sworn statements from 109 people.
    16. Margaret Tutwiler, the State Department spokeswoman, said the department "has had no contact with the Soviets regarding the Bloch investigation."
    17. She asked him to advise her of the results of the latest investigation as soon as possible.
    18. Camarena and Reveles were booked for investigation of conspiracy to commit murder and Aleman was booked for possession of a sawed-off rifle.
    19. The seaside garrison was seized Thursday by eight police officers who had been fired from their jobs and ordered held in connection with a murder investigation.
    20. Prosecutors have said their current case does not depend on any evidence that might be uncovered during the investigation of the site.
    21. Ametek spun off its Straza division and 13 others in 1988 to create Ketema Inc., which in turn has sold the marine products operations involved in the investigation, Ametek said.
    22. The arrests stem from a police investigation into the suicide of Patrick Vick, a Church of Scientology member in Lyon who jumped out of a 12th floor window in 1988.
    23. Under questioning from her attorney, William G. Schick of Moline, Ms. St. Charles said she wasn't trying to block the investigation, but was concerned that investigators may have given false information about the church to members.
    24. A Tampa Tribune sportswriter was arrested March 30 in what police said was a five-month investigation into a crack cocaine ring.
    25. People close to the investigation say Mr. Callahan handled trading for an employee at Donnelley's Torrance plant who hasn't been identified but is believed to be a technician.
    26. The Navy has that case under investigation.
    27. She said Hunthausen has not significantly changed his leadership since the Vatican investigation.
    28. Justice Department spokesman Pat Korten confirmed Tuesday night in a telephone interview that Meese had recused himself from the investigation.
    29. The expanding investigation involves 12 federal grand juries stretching from California to Maryland and some 80 military bases, according to attorneys familiar with the matter.
    30. A House subcommittee last year looked into the possibility that the FBI's interviews of TecNica volunteers returning from Nicaragua amounted to an unwarranted investigation of the group.
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