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 insulation [ˌinsju'leiʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 隔离,孤立,绝缘

  1. Cork is often used for insulation.
  2. An insulation covering for a steam pipe, wire, boiler, or similar part.

[ noun ]
  1. the state of being isolated or detached

  2. <noun.state>
    the insulation of England was preserved by the English Channel
  3. a material that reduces or prevents the transmission of heat or sound or electricity

  4. <noun.substance>
  5. the act of protecting something by surrounding it with material that reduces or prevents the transmission of sound or heat or electricity

  6. <noun.act>

Insulation \In`su*la"tion\, n.
1. The act of insulating, or the state of being insulated;
detachment from other objects; isolation.

2. (Elec. & Thermotics) The act of separating a body from
others by nonconductors, so as to prevent the transfer of
electricity or of heat; also, the state of a body so

3. The material or substance used to insulate from either
electrical or thermal conduction; as, fiberglass is used
as thermal insulation in the walls and roofs of houses.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

  1. The judgment was entered in a case brought by State Industries Inc., a competitor, that alleged infringement of a patent for a method of applying polyurethane foam insulation to gas water heaters.
  2. Asbestos is a cancer-causing substance once widely use for insulation.
  3. Among the defects were separations in the bonded adhesive insulation that helps hold the joints together, and channels that would allow the fiery gas to reach the joint's middle O-ring, one of three designed to contain heat from the burning fuel.
  4. You can insulate new exterior walls by installing roll-type insulation.
  5. The nation's largest maker of disposable diapers said today it will begin searching for ways to transform billions of dirty didies from an ecological problem into recycled flower pots, building insulation and lush highway medians.
  6. "The knife was used to peel the insulation off cables so the astronauts could splice them," Mr. Hartsfield says.
  7. In addition to paper and wood products, Manville's primary businesses include building and engineered products, Fiberglas and industrial insulation products, roofing systems, and filtration and minerals.
  8. Their mission is to remove asbestos insulation from a leaking steam pipe as required by a federal law that is forcing every school in the nation to take costly and drastic steps to control a mineral once used widely as a fire retardant.
  9. If the answer is a lack of information, why aren't there hordes of businessmen advertising the benefits of more efficient equipment or insulation?
  10. The tile damage resulted when insulation hit the shuttle during liftoff after stripping away from both the external fuel tank and the nose cone of one of the solid fuel booster rockets, McCartney said.
  11. A small crack in a steam pipe's asbestos insulation could spread fibers spewing widely, he said.
  12. Domtar Inc. said it established a joint venture concern with Pittsburgh-based Koppers Co. that will build a plant in Cornwall, Ontario, to produce phenolic building insulation with high thermal value.
  13. Along with colleague Frank Hall, Kimbrell founded one of the first consulting firms that advise the best way to test for and dispose of asbestos, the widely used building insulation that has been found to cause cancer.
  14. Furniture, clothes, food, dolls and insulation were strewn about.
  15. Lightbulbs are bare and most interior walls show bare insulation between the studs.
  16. It is one of a number of companies that have been sued by thousands of people claiming they have been exposed to asbestos, a cancer-causing mineral once widely used in building and piping insulation.
  17. Kapton also was used on the space shuttle, and may have caused a fire during maintenance in 1983 that wasn't blamed on insulation at the time, the newspaper said.
  18. On Friday morning, employees opened the store and were surprised to find insulation all over the floor.
  19. 'It is hard to beat down in terms of warmth-to-weight ratios,' admits Elizabeth Volkers, brand-manager for the insulation material Thinsulate at 3M. But once down is wet it offers almost no protection.
  20. And it's good for the local residents, who use them as mulch for their gardens or pile them against their homes for insulation.
  21. The spokesman said the problems in the construction market relate mainly to "reduced volume in insulation and roofing, especially reroofing and commercial roofing products."
  22. There were no further reports immediately in the Soviet media on whether they actually repaired the thermal insulation or other results of their space walk.
  23. "She was up against a peach tree with insulation all around her," Powell said. "It was the most terrible thing I've ever seen.
  24. Workers planned to remove insulation around the pumps on Saturday and replace a package containing all three pumps on Sunday.
  25. That discrete "subpopulation" of cases has grown as the insulation material's disease-causing properties became known, says Mr. Galanter, but will eventually dwindle because asbestos products aren't made anymore.
  26. Flight data and a look at the motors showed the rockets performed well during Monday's launch and did not have any cork insulation loss like that suspected of damaging shuttle tiles on the last mission in December.
  27. Restless Shareholders Lawrence Hart, trained as an accountant, had run Fibreboard Corp., a wood products and insulation maker, since Louisiana-Pacific Corp. spun it off in 1988.
  28. But of course the insulation was not enough. Trapped in bad weather at an altitude of over 3,000 metres, he lay down, probably exhausted.
  29. A motorist, Michael A. Spector, stopped to help and pulled her body off the plate using a towel for insulation, authorities said.
  30. Some of the new campaigns employ old, mainstay conservation techniques: better insulation, more efficient light bulbs, greater use of daylight.
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