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 incrustation [`ɪnkrʌs'teʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 用硬壳包, 镶嵌, 痂, 硬壳

[医] 结痂, 痂

    [ noun ]
    1. the formation of a crust

    2. <noun.process>
    3. a hard outer layer that covers something

    4. <noun.object>
    5. a decorative coating of contrasting material that is applied to a surface as an inlay or overlay

    6. <noun.artifact>

    Incrustation \In`crus*ta"tion\, n. [L. incrustatio: cf. F.
    incrustation. See {Incrust}.]
    1. The act of incrusting, or the state of being incrusted.

    2. A crust or hard coating of anything upon or within a body,
    as a deposit of lime, sediment, etc., from water on the
    inner surface of a steam boiler.

    3. (Arch.) A covering or inlaying of marble, mosaic, etc.,
    attached to the masonry by cramp irons or cement.

    4. (Fine Arts) Anything inlaid or imbedded.

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