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 incineration [ɪn`sɪnə'reʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 烧成灰, 焚化, 灰化

[医] 焚化, 灰化, 火葬

    [ noun ]
    the act of burning something completely; reducing it to ashes

    Incineration \In*cin`er*a"tion\, n. [LL. incineratio: cf. F.
    The act of incinerating, or the state of being incinerated;

    The phenix kind,
    Of whose incineration,
    There riseth a new creation. --Skelton.

    1. It is more expensive than either landfilling or incineration, although that could change as industries gear up to handle large volumes of recycled material.
    2. British law allow waste disposal companies to accept toxic waste from the United States and European countries for incineration or burial.
    3. An enviromental disaster," says Joe Thornton, the group's incineration expert.
    4. Certain forms of waste disposal, such as incineration, have been banned. These solutions have certainly forced the packaging industry to address the issues as never before.
    5. "Radioactive materials aren't destroyed by incineration and in fact will be dispersed throughout the community," Lipsett said.
    6. He said microwaving is an environmentally sound method, but that it is just one of many technologies being developed to dispose of medical waste, including treating the waste with chemicals or radiation and incineration.
    7. Mobil Corp., for instance, recently launched a high-profile public-relations campaign to argue the folly of anti-plastic laws and to press for other solutions to the solid-waste crisis, such as garbage incineration and recycling.
    8. Tower told the committee: "To begin with, I don't believe that we can devise a BMD umbrella that can protect the entire American population from nuclear incineration.
    9. France, Denmark and Belgium are currently using such incineration methods. Mr Rummler said the new legislation would foresee the construction of incineration plants.
    10. France, Denmark and Belgium are currently using such incineration methods. Mr Rummler said the new legislation would foresee the construction of incineration plants.
    11. However, he said the laws do apply to the proposed incineration of the weapons at Johnston Atoll.
    12. At today's prices, incineration of that amount could cost GM about $50 million more than sending the waste to a dump.
    13. The cargo came from a burned-out storage warehouse in Quebec that the province had planned to dispose of at a ReChem International Ltd. incineration plant in Britain.
    14. Polystyrene foam caps have a higher "heating value" than Wyoming coal, which means that garbage combustors can reach higher temperatures and remove more pollutants in the incineration process than they would otherwise.
    15. At the same time it marks Waste Management's withdrawal from active involvement in large-scale garbage incineration.
    16. Our ability to move ahead and destroy chemical weapons is a significant step toward disarmament and peace." Tests of the incinerator are to end late next year, and full-scale incineration is expected to begin in 1992.
    17. Groups opposed to waste incineration, such as Greenpeace, argue that dioxins and other pollutants could be released.
    18. For plastics, half the minimum target must be met by techniques ensuring new use through melting, dissolving or turning into pellets. The new text will permit energy incineration once collection targets are achieved.
    19. The proposal is the first attempt by the federal government to impose a nationwide standard on toxic chemical releases from garbage incineration plants, although many communities already have curbs, some as stringent as those proposed by the EPA.
    20. The hazardous-waste management concern said the decision was prompted by a need to finance its growth, including the expansion of an El Dorado, Ark., incineration plant and the construction of an Arizona plant.
    21. Though director Paul ("Robocop") Verhoeven bombards the audience with groin kicking and human incineration, his target viewers seem willing and able to accept even more than he gives them.
    22. He also took legal action that forced the strikers to abandon blockades at the three incineration plants where garbage from throughout the metropolitan region is taken.
    23. Approved an amendment sponsored by Rep. Bill Richardson, D-N.M., prohibiting the Los Alamos National Laboratory from burning radioactive wastes until New Mexico issues regulations on such incineration.
    24. More crowded nations that experienced this problem earlier quickly moved to incineration.
    25. Other trash may be dumped 25 miles or more from shore, but medical refuse that may be contaminated or connected with dangerous drugs is held for incineration in port, he said.
    26. "Mass incineration is astronomically expensive and environmentally hazardous," says Pompano Beach City Commissioner Michael N. Gomes.
    27. John Shannon, assistant secretary of the Army, told the subcommittee that the service is pushing ahead with plans to build the incineration plants, despite some strong local opposition.
    28. Medical refuse, however, is usually held for incineration in port, said Navy spokesman Lt.
    29. City ordinances allow the burning of dioxin-tainted waste only; all other incineration is illegal, authorities said.
    30. He is director of the university's Health Protection Office and will oversee the incineration.
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