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 illuminating   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 有启发性的

    [ adj ]
    tending to increase knowledge or dissipate ignorance
    an enlightening glimpse of government in actionan illuminating lecture

    Illuminate \Il*lu"mi*nate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Illuminated};
    p. pr. & vb. n. {Illuminating}.] [L. illuminatus, p. p. of
    illuminare; pref. il- in + luminare to enlighten, fr. lumen
    light. See {Luminous}, and cf. {Illume}, {Illumine},
    {Enlimn}, {Limn}.]
    1. To make light; to throw light on; to supply with light,
    literally or figuratively; to brighten.

    2. To light up; to decorate with artificial lights, as a
    building or city, in token of rejoicing or respect.

    3. To adorn, as a book or page with borders, initial letters,
    or miniature pictures in colors and gold, as was done in
    manuscripts of the Middle Ages.

    4. To make plain or clear; to dispel the obscurity to by
    knowledge or reason; to explain; to elucidate; as, to
    illuminate a text, a problem, or a duty.

    Illuminating \Il*lu"mi*na`ting\, a.
    Giving or producing light; used for illumination.

    {Illuminating gas}. See {Gas}, n., 2
    (a) .

    1. It was never illuminating, only distracting. Even before the opera began the inmates of the Bedlam asylum were swarming over the stage; that they were all female, and found themselves in some pretty lurid postures raised suspicions from the start.
    2. One of the most illuminating is to look at the track record of the dollar against the D-Mark. In the early and middle 1980s, it was violently unstable.
    3. The four o'clock sun was slanting through the trees, illuminating the clear plastic and the green and brown glass, and what do you know, the wrapped tree looked kind of beautiful.
    4. Surrounded by scattered body parts, otherworldly bliss illuminating their faces, the two remaining saints look ready to vault into the heavens.
    5. Here, four panels form a cross around a center mirror. The lilies are shown in dramatic shadows, a dusting of light illuminating their inner and almost religious beauty.
    6. The story is unfolded by the orchestra, with the occasional solo voice and wandering chorus illuminating Verona's drawn-out night.
    7. The camera, with a suggested retail price of $13.95, can take pictures at night or indoors, illuminating subjects in a range of three feet to 10 feet.
    8. This raises the question of how illuminating that history proves.
    9. The drawings, however, were much more illuminating.
    10. Here Djamileh made a bracing listen, no less illuminating than engaging: another COG success.
    11. They gave me an insight into what is and is not achievable in business and what is and is not achievable in management. 'Being involved in judging the following year's candidates was an illuminating experience.
    12. Bentley acknowledged that the documents won't exactly rewrite the history books, but said they offer illuminating details.
    13. The director Penny Marshall has gone straight to the heart of this complex story and made a powerfully poignant and illuminating film.
    14. Economic data yesterday wasn't illuminating, with late February auto sales sinking a bit from earlier levels and January factory orders rising only 0.4%, less than expected.
    15. His treatment of them is always clear and often illuminating.
    16. It is accompanied by a very handsome catalog, which contains fine reproductions of the drawings and an illuminating essay by art historian Lawrence Gowing.
    17. His chronology of the Solidarity period provides many answers that journalists of that time could only guess at, making more sense of a critical historical period and more generally illuminating relations between the Soviet Union and its neighbors.
    18. Without professing to be a political history of the 30-year period during which the author had a grandstand view of the conduct of British foreign policy, the book affords some illuminating insights into what happened behind the scenes of major events.
    19. It is hardly an illuminating point that the two artists are so different.
    20. Ensemble is less than precisely coordinated, balance between the various sections is often sacrificed to sheer high spirits, and Earle's conducting is efficient rather than illuminating.
    21. Woods. The low afternoon sun penetrated the riverine trees, illuminating trunks whitened by lichens and the greens of thin palm fronds and huge leaved epiphytes.
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