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 hedonistic [,hi:dә'nistik]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 快乐主义者的, 快乐论的, 快乐主义的

    [ adj ]
    devoted to pleasure
    a hedonic thrilllives of unending hedonistic delight
    epicurean pleasures

    Hedonistic \Hed`o*nis"tic\, a.
    Same as {Hedonic}, 2.

    1. Things were shaking but it wasn't the ground at the Exotic Erotic Ball, a hedonistic Halloween tradition that was one more step in this earthquake-rattled city's recovery.
    2. Yes, indeed: but that quality now, in the 18th century, seems to take on more openly hedonistic an aspect, flippant at times and even cynical.
    3. It is about seven years since rave - which combines hedonistic Mediterranean discos and the electronic dance music of 1970s New York and Detroit - seized the imagination of Britain's 15 to 24-year-olds.
    4. The hedonistic materialism of present models is not for us.
    5. Gone are the company-owned key clubs and casinos, the luxurious Chicago mansion and the Big Bunny jetliner _ trappings that reflected and reinforced founder Hugh Hefner's hedonistic image.
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