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 godsend ['gɑd`sɛnd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 意外的幸运机会, 意外地来得正好的事物, 天赐

  1. The rent was due, so your cheque came as an absolute godsend!
    租金已到期, 你的支票来到真是喜从天降!
  2. It was a godsend to have him there just when we needed someone.
  3. That legacy from my uncle's will was a godsend, because I was very short of money.

[ noun ]
a sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money)
the demand for testing has created a boom for those unregulated laboratories where boxes of specimen jars are processed like an assembly line

Godsend \God"send`\ (g[o^]d"s[e^]nd), n.
Something sent by God; an unexpected acquisiton or piece of
good fortune.

  1. But to the practiced eye, and in the right vineyard, it is a godsend.
  2. But chances are, the problems did exist before," said Dr. Lyn Styczynski, who works at a family counseling center in Boston. "It's not all a godsend.
  3. This project has been a godsend."
  4. The Japan Defense Agency allows vendors to earn less than 5%, but that is a godsend for Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd.
  5. Successful or not, the price-peddling ads have at least been a godsend for the recession-riddled ad world.
  6. Some kids call it the "grocery-store school" and some parents call it a godsend.
  7. The chance to promote training while reducing unemployment is a godsend.
  8. For the IMF, however, the debt crisis was a godsend. Having lost its empire in the collapse of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates in the early 1970s, the IMF had been consistently searching for a role.
  9. Nevertheless, they handle 10 to 15 percent of the total federal court workload, which is considered a godsend by their 750 active colleagues.
  10. DDT, possibly available in unlimited amounts, was a godsend.
  11. Magritte came here as an absolute godsend to Derrida and the deconstructionists with their mistrust of language.
  12. "It was a godsend they were not more seriously injured," the sheriff said of Monday's accident.
  13. "Malibu can set an example for all the other affluent communities," he said. "I think Martin Sheen was a godsend for the chamber of commerce.
  14. For the Soviets, behind in payments to Western companies by about $5 billion, the switch to hard currency and market prices for oil and gas could be a godsend.
  15. High specifications may appear a godsend for those desperate to find buildings geared to high technology, but they must be appropriate to future needs. The main criterion should be flexibility to change - either up or down the technology ladder.
  16. She calls the rule "a godsend." The same rule required funeral director Timothy Simms to hand a price list to the parents of a 4-year-old boy killed in a car accident.
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