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 glycerol ['glɪsə`rol]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 甘油, 丙三醇

[化] 甘油

[医] 甘油

  1. Glycerol or a preparation of glycerol.
  2. A natural or synthetic ester of glycerol and fatty acids.
  3. Glycerol is an ideal osmotolerant medium.

[ noun ]
a sweet syrupy trihydroxy alcohol obtained by saponification of fats and oils

Glycerol \Glyc"er*ol\, n. (Chem.)
Same as {Glycerin}.

Glycerin \Glyc"er*in\, Glycerine \Glyc"er*ine\, n. [F.
glyc['e]rine, fr. Gr. glykero`s, glyky`s, sweet. Cf.
{Glucose}, {Licorice}.] (Chem.)
An oily, viscous liquid, {C3H5(OH)3}, colorless and odorless,
and with a hot, sweetish taste, existing in the natural fats
and oils as the base, combined with various acids, as oleic,
margaric, stearic, and palmitic. It may be obtained by
saponification of fats and oils. It is a triatomic alcohol,
and hence is also called {glycerol}. See Note under

Note: It is obtained from fats by saponification, or, on a
large scale, by the action of superheated steam. It is
used as an ointment, as a solvent and vehicle for
medicines, and as an adulterant in wine, beer, etc.

  1. The cells can be thawed years later and the glycerol removed by a sugar compound, the hospital said.
  2. The 14 patients, who were from the lower middle class and ranged in age from 10 to 75, died two years ago from the effects of tainted glycerol, a drug used to treat edema, or abnormal swelling.
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