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 gathering ['gæðərɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 聚集, 集中, 采集

[化] 富集

[医] 生脓

  1. We are invited to a small social gathering.
  2. The United Nations assembly is a cosmopolitan gathering.
  3. The act of gathering in large numbers or of pushing forward.

[ noun ]
  1. a group of persons together in one place

  2. <noun.group>
  3. the social act of assembling

  4. <noun.act>
    they demanded the right of assembly
  5. the act of gathering something

  6. <noun.act>
  7. sewing consisting of small folds or puckers made by pulling tight a thread in a line of stitching

  8. <noun.artifact>

Gather \Gath"er\ (g[a^][th]"[~e]r), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
{Gathered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Gathering}.] [OE. gaderen, AS.
gaderian, gadrian, fr. gador, geador, together, fr. g[ae]d
fellowship; akin to E. good, D. gaderen to collect, G. gatte
husband, MHG. gate, also companion, Goth. gadiliggs a
sister's son. [root]29. See {Good}, and cf. {Together}.]
1. To bring together; to collect, as a number of separate
things, into one place, or into one aggregate body; to
assemble; to muster; to congregate.

And Belgium's capital had gathered them
Her beauty and her chivalry. --Byron.

When he had gathered all the chief priests and
scribes of the people together. --Matt. ii. 4.

2. To pick out and bring together from among what is of less
value; to collect, as a harvest; to harvest; to cull; to
pick off; to pluck.

A rose just gathered from the stalk. --Dryden.

Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
--Matt. vii.

Gather us from among the heathen. --Ps. cvi. 47.

3. To accumulate by collecting and saving little by little;
to amass; to gain; to heap up.

He that by usury and unjust gain increaseth his
substance, he shall gather it for him that will pity
the poor. --Prov.
xxviii. 8.

To pay the creditor . . . he must gather up money by
degrees. --Locke.

4. To bring closely together the parts or particles of; to
contract; to compress; to bring together in folds or
plaits, as a garment; also, to draw together, as a piece
of cloth by a thread; to pucker; to plait; as, to gather a

Gathering his flowing robe, he seemed to stand
In act to speak, and graceful stretched his hand.

5. To derive, or deduce, as an inference; to collect, as a
conclusion, from circumstances that suggest, or arguments
that prove; to infer; to conclude.

Let me say no more!
Gather the sequel by that went before. --Shak.

6. To gain; to win. [Obs.]

He gathers ground upon her in the chase. --Dryden.

7. (Arch.) To bring together, or nearer together, in masonry,
as where the width of a fireplace is rapidly diminished to
the width of the flue, or the like.

8. (Naut.) To haul in; to take up; as, to gather the slack of
a rope.

{To be gathered to one's people} or {To be gathered to one's
fathers} to die. --Gen. xxv. 8.

{To gather breath}, to recover normal breathing after being
out of breath; to get one's breath; to rest. --Spenser.

{To gather one's self together}, to collect and dispose one's
powers for a great effort, as a beast crouches preparatory
to a leap.

{To gather way} (Naut.), to begin to move; to move with
increasing speed.

Gathering \Gath"er*ing\, n.
1. The act of collecting or bringing together.

2. That which is gathered, collected, or brought together;
(a) A crowd; an assembly; a congregation.
(b) A charitable contribution; a collection.
(c) A tumor or boil suppurated or maturated; an abscess.

Gathering \Gath"er*ing\, a.
Assembling; collecting; used for gathering or concentrating.

{Gathering board} (Bookbinding), a table or board on which
signatures are gathered or assembled, to form a book.

{Gathering coal}, a lighted coal left smothered in embers
over night, about which kindling wood is gathered in the

{Gathering hoop}, a hoop used by coopers to draw together the
ends of barrel staves, to allow the hoops to be slipped
over them.

{Gathering peat}.
(a) A piece of peat used as a gathering coal, to preserve a
(b) In Scotland, a fiery peat which was sent round by the
Borderers as an alarm signal, as the fiery cross was by
the Highlanders.

  1. The ban interferes with the gathering and reporting of truthful and significant information about the political process on election day, the network argued in federal court papers.
  2. Besides, Mr. Crosby asserts, SmartRoute has built an elaborate system for gathering data and doesn't need Metro's reports.
  3. However, activists in the third and smallest Baltic republic of Estonia said a gathering was being organized for Sunday.
  4. At the Utah gathering, tribal leaders said they hope their alliance will lead to a summit with President Bush where concerns over federal encroachment into tribal sovereignty could be discussed.
  5. Wright is chairman of the national convention in Atlanta and as such will attract lots of national television time during the three-day gathering.
  6. Troubling signs are already popping up, most significantly a proposed gathering soon in Iran of hardliners opposed to the peace effort.
  7. Bargainers were gathering in the Capitol Sunday morning to try to nail down the final details of the agreement.
  8. This year's five inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame _ Dion, Otis Redding, the Rolling Stones, the Temptations and Stevie Wonder _ are a gathering of the soulful side of the '60s.
  9. Authorities were still gathering evidence in the case involving the fourth child, a 7-year-old girl, and other charges might be filed later against Lenard Johnson, 37, said Montgomery County State's Attorney Kathryn Dobrinic.
  10. The president went boating immediately after church, and was out in his speedboat again in the late afternoon as a storm was gathering.
  11. They apparently learned their eldest son was a suspect at a family gathering Jan. 2, two days before he committed suicide.
  12. A small group of students invited the public to devote this gathering to what could fittingly be described as meditation in which everyone would search his own conscience.
  13. It was released as a gathering of education and business leaders recognized 115 elementary and secondary school teachers from 23 areas.
  14. Last month, Citicorp dismissed about half the staff of a big project to collect individual shoppers' purchase data at supermarkets. Citicorp says the expensive program wasn't gathering enough data to meet its goals.
  15. "You have gotten away with murder, and I don't blame you for wanting to continue it," Rep. Thomas Downey, D-N.Y., told a gathering of the American Sugar Alliance.
  16. On Saturday, the coalition will hold a Counter-Inaugural Forum at All Soul's Church, followed on Sunday by an interfaith gathering outside the National Cathedral featuring traditional Native American prayers from representatives of the Piscataway nation.
  17. The Jordan gathering, originally billed as an extraordinary summit to discuss the gulf crisis, holds much higher risks of dissension of the kind the staid Saudis abhor.
  18. Unofficial estimates of the cost of gathering the data have ranged from $1 $1 million to $10 million annually.
  19. Bentsen has been masterful at gathering campaign contributions from normally GOP sources, a fact that has Republicans awed and a bit peeved.
  20. The agency has spent the past year gathering Warsaw Pact equipment ranging from radios to radar and from tracked vehicles to fighter aircraft.
  21. But the hope is that gathering Arabs and Israelis in the same room for the first time will break down mistrust.
  22. The road is a popular gathering place, and the crowd was standing in the street, Espinosa said.
  23. "We're gathering to ask God to heal our country and heal our church," said the Rev. John Gimenez, pastor of Rock Church in Virginia Beach, Va., and chairman of the rally's national steering committee.
  24. He also ruled that the Globe's method of news gathering, including "listening to gossip in the bars and clubs of Palm Beach," was lawful.
  25. Fed policy-makers were gathering today for two days of closed-door meetings to set monetary growth targets for 1989.
  26. Charles Blackwell, an Indian attorney who is a consultant to Daiwa, said the BIA dispute is overshadowed by the significance of the Indian gathering in New York.
  27. The top fruit choice among teen-agers 15 years ago? Apples, according to a survey of teen eating habits by MRCA Information Services, which specializes in gathering and analyzing marketing information.
  28. In San Francisco, a lawyer for Pacific Telesis Group said the company is gathering information requested by the Justice Department.
  29. The mail train had just left Tongi, where the Moslem gathering was to occur.
  30. "This is now the ticket," he said in an interview before introducing Sen. Bentsen at a private gathering of Democrats in Stockton, Calif.
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