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 dreamed [drim]   添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. I never dreamed that I should see you again.
  2. He dreamed of becoming a townsman.
  3. This slave dreamed of becoming a freeman.

[ adj ]
conceived of or imagined or hoped for
his dreamed symphony that would take the world of music by storm

Dream \Dream\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Dreamed} (dr[=e]md) or
{Dreamt} (dr[e^]mt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Dreaming}.] [Cf. AS.
dr[=e]man, dr[=y]man, to rejoice. See {Dream}, n.]
1. To have ideas or images in the mind while in the state of
sleep; to experience sleeping visions; -- often with of;
as, to dream of a battle, or of an absent friend.

2. To let the mind run on in idle revery or vagary; to
anticipate vaguely as a coming and happy reality; to have
a visionary notion or idea; to imagine.

Here may we sit and dream
Over the heavenly theme. --Keble.

They dream on in a constant course of reading, but
not digesting. --Locke.

  1. Harvard dreamed up what is called hypermedia - "pictures and graphs and text all tied together in a database," Ervin said.
  2. With the best schools, jobs and entertainment, Tokyo drew millions who dreamed of better lives as well as hundreds of companies wanting to be near government agencies, banks, financial markets and up-to-date information.
  3. Some of the nuns who auditioned said they had dreamed of stage careers before taking the veil.
  4. "We are going to have the biggest mess in prisons that we have ever dreamed of," said Rep. John Conyers (D., Mich.) at a recent congressional hearing.
  5. 'Since our first presence in this region we have dreamed of peaceful relations with our next-door town of Aqaba.
  6. "But a year or two ago, nobody in their right mind would have dreamed of the changes in Eastern Europe," he said.
  7. While looking for my brother, I had dreamed of the days we would spend together. But now all I wanted to do was hide in my hotel and shut out the pain of his past.
  8. So what if Eve, who had dreamed of being a torch singer, grew so bored by the drudgery of suburban housewifery that she would throw plates against the wall to remind herself she was alive?
  9. The Kansas senator also campaigned hard in Minnesota, but Robertson dreamed of an upset and Rep. Jack Kemp made an all-out effort as well.
  10. A man who dreamed for years of a reunion with his father died in a fire at his father's home one day after moving in.
  11. William Butler Yeats, who wrote the introduction to the English translation of the "Gitanjali," said he discovered in Tagore a world that he had always dreamed about, but never encountered, in the West.
  12. "I had nightmares when I first moved in," Ms. Noie said. "I dreamed of little babies with charred arms and legs crawling out of the barrels in back where they burn their medical waste.
  13. "We have organized a cooperative and intend to break into the fast-growing gourmet market," says Melinda Ballard, president of Ficom International Inc., a New York marketing and public relations firm that dreamed up Betavon.
  14. No one then dreamed that King Edward VIII would abdicate in 1936 to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson, and that his younger brother, bashful, stuttering Albert, would become King George VI.
  15. With Gerber, based in Fremont, Mich., Nestle would have the baby-products lineup it dreamed of when it acquired Beech-Nut in 1979 for $35 million.
  16. Eade dreamed and talked of meeting his father for years, said family friend Goldie Stiff.
  17. But there's no doubt that there is a level of acceptance that was not dreamed of five years ago.
  18. Now the court goes into its third century pondering issues never dreamed of by the framers of the Constitution, ruling on such matters as burning the flag, abortion and affirmative action.
  19. Stolar dreamed of one day staying in the fancy, 3,000-room Stevens Hotel, a dream that will come true.
  20. I dreamed of it, but I never counted on it," Gosslau said in an interview in his home.
  21. He was the one at Forbes several years ago who dreamed up the richest 400 _ against the vociferous protests of some Forbes staffers, Healey notes.
  22. "I never would have dreamed, coming from an Orthodox Jewish background, that I would talk about (sex) across the world," she said.
  23. As with Noh, or with the theatre dreamed of by Edward Gordon Craig, we enter a world of allusions, symbols. Appearances are essences; less is superbly more.
  24. He classified the odds of both becoming congressmen as "remote," even though he said both dreamed about the possibility.
  25. Brekke, a University of Minnesota graduate, said she had dreamed of becoming an astronaut but was not accepted into the program.
  26. Compensating volume increases can only be dreamed of at this stage, while it is hard to see further scope for removing costs. In some senses yesterday's re-rating is only overdue acknowledgement that Mr Teare is not infallible.
  27. Washington Cathedral, the "great church for national purposes" that Pierre L'Enfant dreamed of as part of his plan for the nation's capital, is at last nearing completion.
  28. Once no one would have dreamed that Honest Abe's mail would be peddled in a mall store right next door to Banana Republic, the safari-theme clothier.
  29. On the way to a nearby McDonald's, he points to an empty basketball court and says that two nights ago he dreamed that his older brother had been fatally shot there.
  30. Kemp, who had dreamed of emerging as a conservative alternative in the race, faced a 17-state shutout and seemed likely to withdraw later in the week.
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