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 disturbed [di'stә:bd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 混乱的

  1. He is emotionally disturbed.
  2. Nothing disturbs his equanimity.
  3. He scooped out a little of the earth, being careful not to disturb anything that was underneath.

[ adj ]
  1. having the place or position changed

  2. <adj.all>
    the disturbed books and papers on her desk
    disturbed grass showed where the horse had passed
  3. afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief

  4. <adj.all>
    too upset to say anything
    spent many disquieted moments
    distressed about her son's leaving home
    lapsed into disturbed sleep
    worried parents
    a worried frown
    one last worried check of the sleeping children
  5. emotionally unstable and having difficulty coping with personal relationships

  6. <adj.all>
  7. affected with madness or insanity

  8. <adj.all>
    a man who had gone mad

Disturb \Dis*turb"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disturbed}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Disturbing}.] [OE. desturben, destourben, OF.
destorber, desturber, destourber, fr. L. disturbare,
disturbatum; dis- + turbare to disturb, trouble, turba
disorder, tumult, crowd. See {Turbid}.]
1. To throw into disorder or confusion; to derange; to
interrupt the settled state of; to excite from a state of

Preparing to disturb
With all-cofounding war the realms above. --Cowper.

The bellow's noise disturbed his quiet rest.

The utmost which the discontented colonies could do,
was to disturb authority. --Burke.

2. To agitate the mind of; to deprive of tranquillity; to
disquiet; to render uneasy; as, a person is disturbed by
receiving an insult, or his mind is disturbed by envy.

3. To turn from a regular or designed course. [Obs.]

And disturb
His inmost counsels from their destined aim.

Syn: To disorder; disquiet; agitate; discompose; molest;
perplex; trouble; incommode; ruffle.

  1. Judge Bork seemed disturbed by that, said one observer of the oral argument.
  2. "Usually isolated locations were disturbed by aircraft and people" while "noise pollution" on marine band radios from spill cleanup activities made monitoring marine channels difficult and unpleasant, the report stated.
  3. Mrs. Lombardi, who died in 1982, told the detective she was disturbed by the service area's reputation and threatened to have Lombardi's name and football memorabilia removed, the state police spokesman said.
  4. Police said they have four primary suspects, including Edward Humphrey, a mentally disturbed university freshman jailed on charges of beating his grandmother.
  5. The board initially voted in June to halt the project in Israel's Arava desert for a two-year ecological study of bird migrations, which environmentalists said could be disturbed by the transmitter.
  6. Bruno Bettelheim, a psychologist and prolific author who studied under Sigmund Freud and gained fame for his work with emotionally disturbed children, killed himself Tuesday in a Maryland nursing home, a medical examiner said.
  7. Police arrested the British fans after they smashed windows of parked cars Sunday night in the suburb of Hamamet and disturbed residents with shouting and other rowdy behavior.
  8. I'll fight him into the state convention March 10, and maybe I'll slam-dunk him." Responded Cowens: "A lot of people have tried." Grand Ole Opry star Jeanne Pruitt says her farm will be disturbed by a planned interstate highway.
  9. But later indications that production hadn't been disturbed caused prices to fall back.
  10. Judas Priest lead singer Rob Halford was in court and later told reporters the allegations were "completely false and untrue." He said he and other band members were disturbed by the deaths but could not be held responsible.
  11. Under authority, however, orders were obeyed voluntarily. The inadequate exercise of authority in most bureaucracies disturbed Weber; he saw the excessive wielding of power as a threat to human freedom and democratic values.
  12. However, the court added that land titles acquired under accepted law since European settlement should not be disturbed.
  13. Yesterday, in a sharply worded statement, U.S. Trade Representative Carla Hills said she is "deeply disturbed" that the EC adopted the local-content requirement.
  14. "The four unexploded bombs were not set to detonate, presumably because the perpetrators were disturbed by an employee," Foerster said in an interview.
  15. Here in Jabaliya, soldiers said no one was killed in the outburst following the slayings, which Israel says were committted by a disturbed former soldier.
  16. Simmons, 27, was taken to Roosevelt Hospital for psychiatric evaluation and was classified as emotionally disturbed, he said.
  17. "I'm disturbed by this," says Kerry Bierman, director of marketing at the American Medical Association in Chicago.
  18. He said the community gave in to Scagnelli on each of those issues, but with each concession, some members became more and more disturbed.
  19. U.S. terrorism experts are disturbed by signs that Latin American terrorist groups, which once had little to do with one another, have begun to coordinate activities.
  20. Morning News attorney Paul Watler insisted the federal court's jurisdiction should not be disturbed, but West said he felt he needed to do something.
  21. Some day somewhere in America, someone so disturbed by high taxes might take a miniature American flag into the backyard and set it afire.
  22. No suicide note was found, Isaac said, but friends said Hale was disturbed about the allegations against him.
  23. This has a dual mother/daughter theme as it evokes marvellously a period in Sarton's mother's childhood when she was sent to stay with an old Welsh woman and her disturbed and violent daughter.
  24. For the 17 months since a disturbed man walked onto the KNBC news set and pointed a toy gun at consumer reporter David Horowitz, he has waged a personal campaign against lookalike play weapons.
  25. They don't like to be disturbed.
  26. The latest brutal wave of school shootings is reviving concern about schoolyard security and debate over whether it's possible to protect students from disturbed adults or fellow youngsters with easy access to weapons.
  27. He said members of the committee were "deeply disturbed" when they heard the allegations.
  28. Law enforcement, mental health and city officials have been looking for ways to improve treatment and avert violence by the mentally ill since Officer John Glenn Chase was killed last month by a disturbed homeless man who grabbed his gun.
  29. He said the eggs weren't viable because they had been greatly disturbed.
  30. Severely disturbed, "a lot of the desert will simply blow away," destroying wildlife habitat and sparse farmland and possibly overrunning roads and towns, says Charles Pilcher, a researcher who has studied the wildlife of the Kuwaiti desert.
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