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 displacement [dis'pleismәnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 换置, 移位, 移动, 取代

[化] 顶替展开法

[医] 移位, 置换, 渗漉

  1. A specialized sensory end organ that responds to mechanical stimuli such as tension, pressure, or displacement.
  2. Displacement of an organ or other body part to an abnormal location.
  3. Displacement. Attacks miss you50% of the time.

[ noun ]
  1. act of taking the place of another especially using underhanded tactics

  2. <noun.act>
  3. an event in which something is displaced without rotation

  4. <noun.event>
  5. the act of uniform movement

  6. <noun.act>
  7. (chemistry) a reaction in which an elementary substance displaces and sets free a constituent element from a compound

  8. <noun.process>
  9. (psychiatry) a defense mechanism that transfers affect or reaction from the original object to some more acceptable one

  10. <noun.process>
  11. to move something from its natural environment

  12. <noun.act>
  13. act of removing from office or employment

  14. <noun.act>

Displacement \Dis*place"ment\, n. [Cf. F. d['e]placement.]
1. The act of displacing, or the state of being displaced; a
putting out of place.

Unnecessary displacement of funds. --A. Hamilton.

The displacement of the sun by parallax. --Whewell.

2. The quantity of anything, as water, displaced by a
floating body, as by a ship, the weight of the displaced
liquid being equal to that of the displacing body.

3. (Chem.) The process of extracting soluble substances from
organic material and the like, whereby a quantity of
saturated solvent is displaced, or removed, for another
quantity of the solvent.

{Piston displacement} (Mech.), the volume of the space swept
through, or weight of steam, water, etc., displaced, in a
given time, by the piston of a steam engine or pump.

Fault \Fault\, n. [OE. faut, faute, F. faute (cf. It., Sp., &
Pg. falta), fr. a verb meaning to want, fail, freq., fr. L.
fallere to deceive. See {Fail}, and cf. {Default}.]
1. Defect; want; lack; default.

One, it pleases me, for fault of a better, to call
my friend. --Shak.

2. Anything that fails, that is wanting, or that impairs
excellence; a failing; a defect; a blemish.

As patches set upon a little breach
Discredit more in hiding of the fault. --Shak.

3. A moral failing; a defect or dereliction from duty; a
deviation from propriety; an offense less serious than a

4. (Geol. & Mining)
(a) A dislocation of the strata of the vein.
(b) In coal seams, coal rendered worthless by impurities
in the seam; as, slate fault, dirt fault, etc.

5. (Hunting) A lost scent; act of losing the scent.

Ceasing their clamorous cry till they have singled,
With much ado, the cold fault cleary out. --Shak.

6. (Tennis) Failure to serve the ball into the proper court.

7. (Elec.) A defective point in an electric circuit due to a
crossing of the parts of the conductor, or to contact with
another conductor or the earth, or to a break in the
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

8. (Geol. & Mining) A dislocation caused by a slipping of
rock masses along a plane of facture; also, the dislocated
structure resulting from such slipping.

Note: The surface along which the dislocated masses have
moved is called the

{fault plane}. When this plane is vertical, the fault is a

{vertical fault}; when its inclination is such that the
present relative position of the two masses could have
been produced by the sliding down, along the fault plane,
of the mass on its upper side, the fault is a

{normal fault}, or {gravity fault}. When the fault plane is
so inclined that the mass on its upper side has moved up
relatively, the fault is then called a

{reverse fault} (or {reversed fault}), {thrust fault}, or
{overthrust fault}. If no vertical displacement has resulted,
the fault is then called a

{horizontal fault}. The linear extent of the dislocation
measured on the fault plane and in the direction of
movement is the

{displacement}; the vertical displacement is the

{throw}; the horizontal displacement is the

{heave}. The direction of the line of intersection of the
fault plane with a horizontal plane is the

{trend} of the fault. A fault is a

{strike fault} when its trend coincides approximately with
the strike of associated strata (i.e., the line of
intersection of the plane of the strata with a horizontal
plane); it is a

{dip fault} when its trend is at right angles to the strike;

{oblique fault} when its trend is oblique to the strike.
Oblique faults and dip faults are sometimes called

{cross faults}. A series of closely associated parallel
faults are sometimes called

{step faults} and sometimes

{distributive faults}.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

{At fault}, unable to find the scent and continue chase;
hence, in trouble or embarrassment, and unable to proceed;
puzzled; thrown off the track.

{To find fault}, to find reason for blaming or complaining;
to express dissatisfaction; to complain; -- followed by
with before the thing complained of; but formerly by at.
``Matter to find fault at.'' --Robynson (More's Utopia).

Syn: -- Error; blemish; defect; imperfection; weakness;
blunder; failing; vice.

Usage: {Fault}, {Failing}, {Defect}, {Foible}. A fault is
positive, something morally wrong; a failing is
negative, some weakness or falling short in a man's
character, disposition, or habits; a defect is also
negative, and as applied to character is the absence
of anything which is necessary to its completeness or
perfection; a foible is a less important weakness,
which we overlook or smile at. A man may have many
failings, and yet commit but few faults; or his faults
and failings may be few, while his foibles are obvious
to all. The faults of a friend are often palliated or
explained away into mere defects, and the defects or
foibles of an enemy exaggerated into faults. ``I have
failings in common with every human being, besides my
own peculiar faults; but of avarice I have generally
held myself guiltless.'' --Fox. ``Presumption and
self-applause are the foibles of mankind.''

  1. Therefore, the trainees "were subject to displacement by returning strikers," the appeals court said.
  2. "We Germans do not want to couple the unity of our fatherland with the displacement of existing borders," he said.
  3. The fifth column gives the engine displacement in cubic inches and the number of cylinders.
  4. That tax change was accompanied by a new definition of minivehicle that raised the maximum engine displacement to 0.66 liters from 0.55 liters, making minicars attractive to a broader range of car shoppers.
  5. For one thing, costs increase proportionally to displacement, which rises exponentially with length.
  6. Moslems, a minority in officially secular but predominantly Hindu India, fear the displacement of one mosque could jeopardize hundreds of other Islamic sites across the country.
  7. But a separate BLS survey showed worker displacement over five years from plant closings, employers moving, staff cuts and like reasons easing by 300,000 from levels in a similar 1988 survey.
  8. His premise was that the displacement of vertebrae can interfere with nerves, disrupt the body's functioning and produce numerous ailments.
  9. Throughout the Israeli-occupied lands, Palestinians staged a protest strike to mark the 42nd anniversary of the founding of Israel, which led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.
  10. The figure of '2m or 3m' displaced persons has, Mr Smythe points out, been 'trotted around for the last few months', while the process of displacement is going on all the time.
  11. In its draft report, the task force asserts that "although worker displacement has been an increasingly serious problem for several years, the U.S. lacks a comprehensive coordinated strategy to deal with it."
  12. And the report said much of the job displacement in recent years was caused by such factors as higher U.S. imports, sluggish exports, slow adoption of some manufacturing advances, rather than any sudden rise in adoption of labor-saving innovations.
  13. But if the representative office is established, the company said it expects to export a wider range of products such as data analysis systems and dimension and displacement measuring instruments.
  14. But the boom in the coupon trade eventually proved costly in terms of both lost ticket sales and the displacement of paying passengers.
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