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 discretion [dis'kreʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 慎重, 辨别力, 考虑, 处理权

[法] 有决定权的

  1. The hours of the meetings will be fixed at the monitor's discretion.
  2. I won't tell you what time to leave, you're old enough to use your own discretion.
  3. I trust his discretion absolutely.

[ noun ]
  1. freedom to act or judge on one's own

  2. <noun.state>
  3. knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress

  4. <noun.cognition>
    the servants showed great tact and discretion
  5. refined taste; tact

  6. <noun.cognition>
  7. the power of making free choices unconstrained by external agencies

  8. <noun.attribute>
  9. the trait of judging wisely and objectively

  10. <noun.attribute>
    a man of discernment

Discretion \Dis*cre"tion\, n. [F. discr['e]tion, L. discretio
separation, difference, discernment, fr. discernere,
discretum. See {Discreet}, {Discern}.]
1. Disjunction; separation. [Obs.] --Mede.

2. The quality of being discreet; wise conduct and
management; cautious discernment, especially as to matters
of propriety and self-control; prudence; circumspection;

The better part of valor is discretion. --Shak.

The greatest parts without discretion may be fatal
to their owner. --Hume.

3. Discrimination.

Well spoken, with good accent and good discretion.

4. Freedom to act according to one's own judgment;
unrestrained exercise of choice or will.

{At discretion}, without conditions or stipulations.

  1. For his part, Schafer claims his second name is discretion and insists on pressing his case. But why is he so eager?
  2. The government has not clearly defined "security matters" and leaves submission of reports to the discretion of correspondents.
  3. The measure would give judges more discretion in determining which wards need full-time guardians.
  4. The most basic point about prosecutions is that there is discretion.
  5. But the surrender value of a with-profits endowment after 18 years is at the discretion of the life company.
  6. After protests and lawsuits by advocacy groups, Congress enacted legislation in 1986 broadening the grounds for admission but left discretion in the hands of the director of the Office of Personnel Management.
  7. In brief, the five principal changes being developed are as follows: Give enterprises more discretion.
  8. "The concept is really to give the employee discretion, but how much discretion are you giving if you only let (the employee) switch twice a year?" says Richard Stanger, national director for employee-benefit services at Price Waterhouse.
  9. "The concept is really to give the employee discretion, but how much discretion are you giving if you only let (the employee) switch twice a year?" says Richard Stanger, national director for employee-benefit services at Price Waterhouse.
  10. The other half would go directly to cities which would have wide discretion for use of the funds but would not be required to match the money.
  11. But that stunning red dress is once seen, never forgotten.' For designer Donald Campbell, who has many private customers for whom he makes to measure, it is a matter of discretion.
  12. The world is divided pretty much between those inclined to smell a rat and eager to alert the populace, and those who take the view that given suitable discretion the problem might disappear of its own accord.
  13. Legislation expanding the discretion of judges in cases involving elderly and minor guardianships awaits action by Gov. Henry Bellmon.
  14. He added that the law gives the secretary so much discretion that "the amount to be assessed each company could be almost any figure from zero to 100 percent of the entire" cost of the safety program.
  15. The country's legal system was rendered virtually powerless, as judges' discretion was generally limited to ruling whether a particular action was covered by the emergency decree.
  16. Congress sent two spending bills to the White House that withhold an estimated $57 million in aid for Jordan, but Bush won broad discretion to waive that restriction to encourage Mideast peace talks.
  17. A spokesman for the pardon office said the application review process could take several years and depends completely on the discretion of the president.
  18. But the Supreme Court noted that Chancery Court is a court of equity and "has broad discretion, subject to principles of fairness, in fixing the rate to be applied."
  19. But after protests and lawsuits by advocacy groups, Congress in 1986 enacted legislation broadening the grounds for admission but giving the OPM director discretion.
  20. "It is a secret fund managed completely at the discretion of the director-general," said Mr. MacIntosh.
  21. The employer must make it clear, however, that it retains this discretion, and its pension plan must be drafted so as to be consistent with selective early retirement.
  22. But, generally, discretion is the key for the modern royals.
  23. If Harper Collins "will create semi-autonomous operating units and allow them the discretion to customize market and product, globalization has a decent chance of working," Mr. Elbaum adds.
  24. Organizers of these funds collect fees for managing the money and usually have sole discretion over which companies will be bought in highly leveraged transactions.
  25. Prosecutors also can exercise discretion in deciding whether to file charges, he added.
  26. Renewal could be for up to 20 years, at the discretion of the NRC.
  27. Maleng and Gardner acknowledged possible civil rights concerns with the provision, but said it would be used with discretion.
  28. Which shares get entered in the register is entirely at the discretion of AMB's management board, an AMB spokesman said.
  29. Congress required that certain amounts be given to some countries, including Egypt and Israel, but allowed the president more discretion than in the past for others.
  30. The bartender, at her discretion, can enhance the bargain by piping the live upstairs music to the downstairs bar.
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