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 disclaim [dɪs'klem]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 放弃, 弃权, 拒绝承认

vi. 放弃, 弃权, 拒绝承认

[法] 放弃, 否认, 不索取

  1. The manufacturers disclaim all responsibility for the damage caused by misuse.
  2. The manufacturer disclaim all responsibility for damage cause by misuse.
  3. The manufacturer disclaim all responsibility for damage cause by misuse.

[ verb ]
  1. renounce a legal claim or title to

  2. <verb.communication>
  3. make a disclaimer about

  4. <verb.communication>
    He disclaimed any responsibility

Disclaim \Dis*claim"\, v. t.
To disavow or renounce all part, claim, or share.

{Disclaim in}, {Disclaim from}, to disown; to disavow. [Obs.]
``Nature disclaims in thee.'' --Shak.

Disclaim \Dis*claim"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disclaimed}; p. pr.
& vb. n. {Disclaiming}.]
1. To renounce all claim to deny; ownership of, or
responsibility for; to disown; to disavow; to reject.

He calls the gods to witness their offense;
Disclaims the war, asserts his innocence. --Dryden.

He disclaims the authority of Jesus. --Farmer.

2. To deny, as a claim; to refuse.

The payment was irregularly made, if not disclaimed.

3. (Law) To relinquish or deny having a claim; to disavow
another's claim; to decline accepting, as an estate,
interest, or office. --Burrill.

Syn: To disown; disavow; renounce; repudiate.

  1. Senator Riegle wants Mr. Breeden to disclaim the administration's largely free-market approach to takeovers and its support for a high degree of self-regulation by exchanges.
  2. I don't disclaim it.
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