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 dateless ['detlɪs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 无日期的, 无限期的, 远古的, 经住时间考验的, 无伴侣的

  1. Waiting, dateless waiting without end, and in the end, the last chance of this century to dash to the Olympics became a visionary hope.
  2. Blockbuster Video has recently launched a demeaning advertising campaign, portraying gamers as filthy, smelly, dateless, sex-starved, without social skills or conventional values, unable to function in normal society.

[ adj ]
  1. having no known beginning and presumably no end

  2. <adj.all>
    the dateless rise and fall of the tides
    time is endless
    sempiternal truth
  3. of such great duration as to preclude the possibility of being assigned a date

  4. <adj.all>
    dateless customs
  5. not bearing a date

  6. <adj.all>
    a dateless letter
  7. unaffected by time

  8. <adj.all>
    few characters are so dateless as Hamlet
    Helen's timeless beauty

dateless \date"less\, a.
1. Without date; having no fixed time.

2. not having a social companion for an occasion; as, to be
dateless for the prom.

  1. In underlying terms, restructuring costs worldwide are running at around Pounds 120m a year into the dateless future.
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