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 crankshaft ['kræŋk`ʃæft]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 曲轴

[机] 曲柄轴

  1. This force turns the crankshaft.
  2. It fits onto the rear of the crankshaft.
  3. Pull vibration damper off of the crankshaft.

[ noun ]
a rotating shaft driven by (or driving) a crank

  1. "There is now an immense hole in amateur surfing on the West Coast because he was really the crankshaft of organized surfing on the West Coast," said Surfer magazine publisher Steve Pezman. "The sport will miss him.
  2. Ford withheld dealer deliveries of many of the cars late last year and early this year so it could replace a cast-iron crankshaft with a forged one.
  3. GM said it settled individually with some Chevette owners who had crankshaft pulley problems.
  4. I honestly believe it's due to getting off our backsides.' Warning that recovery in this sector is some way off, Mr McGuinness cites crankshaft regrinding, in which 90 per cent of the company's business is UK-based.
  5. He argued that fewer parts would mean that less can go wrong. He used a mechanism called the scotch yoke to link the piston in the engine to the crankshaft.
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