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 cranking [kræŋk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. After a moment of cranking the motor finally kicked over.
  2. Any instrument, such as a barrel organ, played by turning a crank.
  3. The stream comes cranking into the village.

  1. For years, the car companies decreed public taste, often cranking out one million cars of a single design in a year.
  2. Post, whose last big success was Fruit & Fibre in 1982, hasn't been cranking out enough new products, especially nutrition-oriented cereals.
  3. 'We've been working awfully closely.' The bank is cranking up to lend heavily.
  4. Two record companies, cranking up the volume in the ongoing music censorship battle, are asking music fans to buy new albums because of their explicit lyrics, not in spite of them.
  5. A hosiery industry group is cranking out more than 100,000 pairs of socks to be distributed among the needy this fall at hundreds of Salvation Army missions across the Southeast.
  6. But now, Chevrolet is cranking up a double-barreled attack on both problems.
  7. Emboldened by the market-share gain, Chrysler is again cranking up overtime production at its two minivan plants, and it plans to keep the extra output going until next month, when both factories will close for vacations and retooling for 1992 models.
  8. They recall the guy who spent a half-hour each day trimming his mustache, the sound of gears cranking as a German tank's turret turned to fire, and the Army pilot who showed up at the Normandy beachhead not long after D-Day in June 1944.
  9. And by the end of 1984, they had all plunged into the cartoon business, cranking out show after show on the theory that what went on the tube automatically went up in sales.
  10. Even foreign auto makers are cranking up the incentives.
  11. The company is cranking up production of the computers to the limit, anticipating strong demand as it introduces the machines simultaneously in 121 countries.
  12. "I'd love to have a full-time staff cranking out literature, handling inquiries, writing articles, cross-pollinating with the other organizations," he says.
  13. He has been cranking out blockbusters since he made "Jaws" 12 years ago; five of the 10 top-grossing movies of all time have his name on them.
  14. "The refinery industry is cranking out every gallon of gasoline it can, and still has to buy on the spot market.
  15. "We're extremely concerned because we're not a core automobile plant," said Denny Lanane, a UAW worker at a GM-Delco Remy division factory in Anderson, Ind. The factory makes alternators and cranking motors for heavy trucks and equipment.
  16. We would have had a back room full of junior people cranking out numbers and drawing charts."
  17. And it would take up to five years before a new GM factory in Asia could begin building cars. Meanwhile, the Japanese already are cranking up production throughout Asia.
  18. It would throw the American information effort into confusion just when the Soviets are cranking up a sophisticated and professional public diplomacy effort to match that honed by USIA over the years.
  19. Peugeot Motors of America Inc., with its roots in France, also is cranking up a new campaign and has offered dealers incentives they can pass to customers.
  20. But plenty of other studios are cranking up movie production, and some are bidding aggressively for new material.
  21. Not long ago, the company was embarrassed to find that the machines cranking out the highly complex jet fighter and four other sophisticated naval aircraft had an average age of 34 years.
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