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 covert ['kʌvәt, 'kәuvәt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 隐蔽的, 偷偷摸摸的, 隐密的

n. 树丛, 隐藏处

[法] 受保护的, 受丈夫保护的, 不公开的

  1. Covert military operations; covert funding for the rebels.
  2. Religion is often made the covert of crime.
  3. The deer fled to a covert.

[ noun ]
  1. a flock of coots

  2. <noun.group>
  3. a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something

  4. <noun.artifact>
    a screen of trees afforded privacy
    under cover of darkness
    the brush provided a covert for game
    the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background
[ adj ]
  1. secret or hidden; not openly practiced or engaged in or shown or avowed

  2. <adj.all>
    covert actions by the CIA
    covert funding for the rebels
  3. (of a wife) being under the protection of her husband

  4. <adj.all>
    a woman covert

Covert \Cov"ert\, n. [OF. See {Covert}, a.]
1. A place that covers and protects; a shelter; a defense.

A tabernacle . . . for a covert from storm. --Is.
iv. 6.

The highwayman has darted from his covered by the
wayside. --Prescott.

2. [Cf. F. couverte.] (Zo["o]l.) One of the special feathers
covering the bases of the quills of the wings and tail of
a bird. See Illust. of {Bird}.

Covert \Cov"ert\ (k?v"?rt), a. [OF. covert, F. couvert, p. p. of
couvrir. See {Cover}, v. t.]
1. Covered over; private; hid; secret; disguised.

How covert matters may be best disclosed. --Shak.

Whether of open war or covert guile. --Milton

2. Sheltered; not open or exposed; retired; protected; as, a
covert nook. -- Wordsworth.

Of either side the green, to plant a covert alley.

3. (Law) Under cover, authority or protection; as, a feme
covert, a married woman who is considered as being under
the protection and control of her husband.

{Covert way}, (Fort.) See {Covered way}, under {Covered}.

Syn: Hidden; secret; private; covered; disguised; insidious;
concealed. See {Hidden}.

  1. They fight the nomination of an envoy to leftist Mozambique and push for covert aid for the rebels fighting its government.
  2. But intelligence sources said Mr. Reagan always signed such decision memoranda himself, often in more than one place, and they said they couldn't recall a single case in which the president didn't sign a decision memo authorizing a covert action.
  3. She noted that a U.N. resolution approved several weeks ago called on all member states to halt all overt or covert aid to insurrectional forces in Central America.
  4. U.S. officials were shocked to learn that more than 90% of the Central Intelligence Agency's covert operations in Cuba had been taken over and controlled for years by the Cuban intelligence service, the DGI.
  5. In 1986, Nicaragua asked the court to rule on the mining of its harbors and covert U.S. support for Contra rebels.
  6. The Senate Intelligence Committee has voted to cut off covert U.S. aid to the non-communist alliance fighting Cambodia's Vietnam-backed regime, government sources said Friday.
  7. Revelations about President Bush's role in covert support for the Nicaraguan Contras should not be allowed to damage evolving bipartisan cooperation on foreign policy between Congress and the White House, House Speaker Jim Wright said today.
  8. Boren and Cohen of wimping out, and they will warn that the lawmakers' concessions raise the specter of more internationally embarrassing covert operations like the mining of Nicaraguan harbors and the Iran arms sales.
  9. Mr. Walsh assumes that Congress could prohibit covert operations, a debatable proposition.
  10. BUSH CONDEMNS alleged efforts to set up a self-standing covert organization outside the laws governing the CIA.
  11. At least two of the companies involved appear also to have participated in a covert operation last year to bolster the price of Maxwell Communication shares.
  12. Poindexter, a retired Navy rear admiral, was found guilty April 7 of five counts of lying to Congress about covert military assistance to the Nicaraguan Contra rebels and the sale of U.S. arms to Iran.
  13. Over the past week, the president has agreed to keep the committee informed, usually in advance, of covert actions and to put key intelligence decisions in writing.
  14. Secord and associates to fund their covert airlift of arms.
  15. Wright, D-Texas, told reporters that GOP efforts to have the ethics committee investigate whether he violated House rules by talking publicly last week about a CIA covert action in Nicaragua are groundless and motivated by politics.
  16. It is trying o determine if other Reagan administration officials participated in efforts to conceal from Congress the covert arms supply network North operated to assist the Nicaraguan Contras when U.S. military aid was cut off.
  17. Gesell said the prolem was broader, because of the potential need to describe other covert operations.
  18. Tax probes in South Korea are generally carried out in a covert manner.
  19. But he has said he told Clair George, who headed covert operations at the CIA and was just one step below Mr. Gates, then deputy director of the agency.
  20. Keker said the prosecution would file a motion in the next few days for the notebooks in North's possession, which he compiled while running the program to give covert aid to the Contra rebels in Nicaragua.
  21. But so far, probers have found surprisingly little immediate evidence on how the covert operation functioned.
  22. The story said that while Reagan had given the go-ahead for the covert activity, no U.S. military action was imminent and paramilitary action, such as a kidnaping, was unlikely.
  23. The law requires that any covert action be carried out only after it is authorized in a "finding" signed by the president which states why the activity is in the national security interest.
  24. In addition, the Iranian covert initiative skirted provisions of an arms export act that blocks weapon sales to Iran and some other nations.
  25. The Iran-Contra scandal isn't proof that covert operations are immoral, or that the CIA is a rogue elephant in need of heavy chains.
  26. A 20-year veteran of covert operations, Col. Dutton testified that he began managing the airlift immediately after his retirement from the military in May 1986.
  27. And sources said that an intelligence budget for 1991 passed by voice vote during the previous post-midnight session eliminates U.S. support for a covert war in Cambodia and sharply restricts money for rebels in Afghanistan.
  28. Cheney is on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and was a member of the House panel investigating covert arms deals with Iran.
  29. It was reported two weeks ago that President Reagan had a approved a covert plan that involved encouraging opposition political activities aimed at discrediting Noriega.
  30. It was clear from the number of lobbyists involved that the matter is far too open to be a "covert" program, he said.
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