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 concretion [kɑn'kriʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 凝固, 凝固物, 结石

[医] 凝结物, 结石; 粘连; 凝结(作用)

  1. The guillotine is the concretion of the law; it is called vindicte; it is not neutral, and it does not permit you to remain neutral.
  2. Combined with some concretion teaching plan, this paper tries to approach the teaching method of junior high school chemistry teaching.

[ noun ]
  1. the formation of stonelike objects within a body organ (e.g., the kidneys)

  2. <noun.process>
  3. a hard lump produced by the concretion of mineral salts; found in hollow organs or ducts of the body

  4. <noun.object>
    renal calculi can be very painful
  5. an increase in the density of something

  6. <noun.event>
  7. the union of diverse things into one body or form or group; the growing together of parts

  8. <noun.act>

Concretion \Con*cre"tion\, n. [L. concretio.]
1. The process of concreting; the process of uniting or of
becoming united, as particles of matter into a mass;

2. A mass or nodule of solid matter formed by growing
together, by congelation, condensation, coagulation,
induration, etc.; a clot; a lump; a calculus.

Accidental ossifications or deposits of phosphates
of lime in certain organs . . . are called osseous
concretions. --Dunglison.

3. (Geol.) A rounded mass or nodule produced by an
aggregation of the material around a center; as, the
calcareous concretions common in beds of clay.

  1. Yi-Fu Tuan believes that place is a concretion of value.
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