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 comptroller [kәn'trәulә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 审计官

[经] 主计, 会计师, 审计

  1. The board couldn't buffalo the federal courts as it had the Comptroller.
  2. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency( OCC) charters, regulates, and supervises all national banks.
  3. Already, Martin had gone through a brief rehearsal, guided by the Comptroller of the Household, a colonel in dress uniform.

[ noun ]
someone who maintains and audits business accounts

  1. A spokesman for the comptroller said regulations on bank investment in mortgage securities are "in the formulation stage," but nothing has been made final.
  2. The Fed, the comptroller of the currency and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. are working together to devise changes in bank regulation to encourage lending.
  3. Last year, it suspended three officials because of sloppy practices in its corporate trust department and the comptroller of the currency questioned it about allowing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to overdraw an account by $200 million.
  4. "They either used the wrong facts or they got the wrong numbers," said Howard Smith, senior vice president and comptroller for the American International Group.
  5. One of those attending was Elham Cicippio, the wife of American hostage Joseph Cicippio, who was the acting comptroller at the American University of Beirut.
  6. The comptroller general is appointed by the president but can be removed from office only by Congress.
  7. He said three gunmen in a green car opened fire with automatic rifles, wounding Fatah's comptroller in Lebanon, Mahmoud Asadi, and his bodyguard, Monzer Hamza.
  8. "This release has been so weird that we are saying the bank will be open after the holiday," said Ellen Stockdale, a spokeswoman for the comptroller in Washington. "It will still be the Bank of New England on Tuesday.
  9. Ellen Stockdale, a spokeswoman for the comptroller's office, said her agency knew Bank of New England was using Treasury deposits to improve its liquidity.
  10. The comptroller general recommended that Congress give regulators a 60-day deadline to come up with a contingency plan for dealing with crises in the financial system.
  11. "It doesn't mean the comptroller would allow banks to go willy nilly to run around and sell these funds." He said the comptroller may decide to hold back the controversial advertising measure and move the other technical provisions along.
  12. "It doesn't mean the comptroller would allow banks to go willy nilly to run around and sell these funds." He said the comptroller may decide to hold back the controversial advertising measure and move the other technical provisions along.
  13. Under the law, an unsuccessful bidder for a contract has the right to protest, and the comptroller general may delay the contract award for 90 days while investigating.
  14. That smell sticks with them a long time." But Florida's comptroller, Gerald Lewis, said: "We've declared unconditional war on drug traffickers.
  15. Instead, the defendants pocketed investors' money, and it is unlikely they will get any of it back, the comptroller said.
  16. According to one former fund-raiser, the system was so well coordinated that a bank could contribute to the insurance commissioner and an insurance company could contribute to the comptroller to avoid improper appearances.
  17. The Pentagon comptroller angers Democrats by canceling testimony on defense costs slated for today before the House Budget Committee.
  18. Other provisions: _Create a new HUD chief financial officer's position, as well as a comptroller of the Federal Housing Administration, to oversee financial management.
  19. The Florida comptroller's office obtained a temporary injunction in state court here shutting down four unlicensed Miami banks it charged with fraud.
  20. Michael O'Kane, a defense attorney for Noriega co-defendent Daniel Miranda, fired off a letter to the U.S. comptroller of the currency.
  21. "The comptroller is dealing with an inherently tougher beast," Mr. Ely concedes.
  22. Cicippio was on his way to work as acting comptroller at the American University of Beirut when the pro-Iranian Revolutionary Justice Organization abducted him.
  23. Anthony Munday, Inco's comptroller, said the higher cost projection won't affect the company's capital spending budget.
  24. By February 1986, the state comptroller, whose office handles consumer complaints, had received enough complaints to start an investigation.
  25. "We felt that banks should try to tell the reader of financial statements that there are varying degrees of problems," said Zane Blackburn, the chief accountant at the comptroller's office, which regulates 4,200 federally chartered banks.
  26. The rating was based on the security derived from the setting aside of property taxes, with the state comptroller as fiscal agent, for the purpose of meeting debts, Moody's said.
  27. Those forecasts have now been increased to 150,000 losses in 1991 and 100,000 losses in 1992, the comptroller said.
  28. Tom Plaut, senior economist in the state comptroller's office, says that's mostly because since 1982, the state's economy has underperformed the national economy.
  29. Ronald D. Picur, Chicago comptroller, said this was the first bond upgrade for the city since 1963.
  30. It was signed by Robert J. Herrmann, senior deputy controller for bank supervision at the comptroller's office.
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