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 collapse [kə'læps]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 崩溃, 倒塌, 虚脱

vi. 倒塌, 崩溃, 瓦解

vt. 使倒塌, 折叠

[计] 折叠

[化] 倒塌

[医] 虚脱; 萎陷

  1. The wind caused the tent to collapse.
  2. Talks between management and unions have collapsed.
  3. The whole building collapsed.

[ noun ]
  1. an abrupt failure of function or complete physical exhaustion

  2. <noun.state>
    the commander's prostration demoralized his men
  3. a natural event caused by something suddenly falling down or caving in

  4. <noun.event>
    the roof is in danger of collapse
    the collapse of the old star under its own gravity
  5. the act of throwing yourself down

  6. <noun.act>
    he landed on the bed with a great flop
  7. a sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures)

  8. <noun.event>
[ verb ]
  1. break down, literally or metaphorically

  2. <verb.motion> break cave in fall in founder give give way
    The wall collapsed
    The business collapsed
    The dam broke
    The roof collapsed
    The wall gave in
    The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice
  3. collapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attack

  4. <verb.body>
    break down
  5. fold or close up

  6. <verb.motion>
    fold up your umbrella
    collapse the music stand
  7. fall apart

  8. <verb.motion>
    break down crumble crumple tumble
    the building crumbled after the explosion
    Negotiations broke down
  9. cause to burst

  10. <verb.motion>
    The ice broke the pipe
  11. suffer a nervous breakdown

  12. <verb.emotion>
    break up crack crack up crock up
  13. lose significance, effectiveness, or value

  14. <verb.change>
    The school system is collapsing
    The stock market collapsed

Collapse \Col*lapse"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Collapsed}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Collapsing}] [L. collapsus, p. p. of collabi to
collapse; col- + labi to fall, slide. See {Lapse}.]
1. To fall together suddenly, as the sides of a hollow
vessel; to close by falling or shrinking together; to have
the sides or parts of (a thing) fall in together, or be
crushed in together; as, a flue in the boiler of a steam
engine sometimes collapses.

A balloon collapses when the gas escapes from it.

2. To fail suddenly and completely, like something hollow
when subject to too much pressure; to undergo a collapse;
as, Maximilian's government collapsed soon after the
French army left Mexico; many financial projects collapse
after attaining some success and importance.

Collapse \Col*lapse"\, n.
1. A falling together suddenly, as of the sides of a hollow

2. A sudden and complete failure; an utter failure of any
kind; a breakdown. [Colloq.]

3. (Med.) Extreme depression or sudden failing of all the
vital powers, as the result of disease, injury, or nervous

  1. Police spokesman Kerri du Rand said officials feared the building could collapse.
  2. WPP's Lord Geller unit was hit by more resignations as the ad agency neared collapse.
  3. A poll of more than 1,000 top executives indicated their confidence in the U.S. economy is recovering in the aftermath of the stock market's collapse six months ago.
  4. The rights was well received in the City and it gave all of us a sense of pride. 'The more fundamental thing was George's legacy - it didn't all collapse when George himself suddenly disappeared.
  5. The Department of Energy is investigating a report that a structural engineer was fired after concluding that an earthquake could cause the walls to collapse at the department's Y-12 nuclear weapons plant, a DOE official confirmed Saturday.
  6. Earlier this month, three Bonneville investors filed a suit seeking class action status, charging Portland General with various federal securities law violations that the investors say led to Bonneville's financial collapse.
  7. But Time Warner resisted, fearing that a debt-riddled Pathe/MGM would collapse.
  8. The Chicago Board Options Exchange, smarting from a 50 percent downturn in options trading since the Oct. 19 stock market collapse, is trying to persuade brokers and investors to return to the market.
  9. The issue of a trustee who would assume control of the airline from Texas Air Chairman Frank Lorenzo was at the heart of the collapse of Ueberroth's $464 million deal to buy Eastern.
  10. The collapse of oil prices in 1981 brought on the current economic crisis.
  11. "The new government will act under the pressure that at any moment the construction of democracy that only just started can collapse under the economic crisis," he said.
  12. U.S. efforts to promote negotiations went into a tailspin in March with the collapse of the Israeli government over Baker's formula for the negotiations.
  13. Hardly anyone disputes that Democrats and Republicans alike set in motion the 1980s deregulation process that ultimately led to the collapse of the S&L industry.
  14. The EEC Commission, the group's policy-making board, had predicted negative growth following last October's collapse of financial markets.
  15. NYSE leaders called member firms and specialists to ensure they had adequate capital should the market collapse.
  16. BZW also lowered its estimates for Blue Circle, finally 3 firmer at 210p. With recriminations still flying over the collapse of talks to sell its catering division, Forte remained friendless.
  17. After a nearly 10-month lull following the collapse of the earlier labor-management bid for UAL, banks appear ready again to finance what they consider well-structured leveraged transactions.
  18. Uruguay's oldest newspaper, El Dia, published an edition of only eight pages Oct. 29 and told readers it is on the verge of collapse.
  19. A huge property group teetered on the brink of collapse. Retailers warned that there were few signs of life in the high street. Dividends were cut or paid uncovered.
  20. At the time, Keating was an Arizona businessman and owner of the Irvine, Calif.,-based Lincoln Savings and Loan, whose 1989 collapse and federal seizure is expected to cost taxpayers $2 billion.
  21. The move followed the dissolution of Parliament in an attempt to resolve a crisis caused by the collapse this month of the minority Social Democrat government.
  22. China's sky will not collapse,' she said. In Los Angeles last week, US companies signed 11 contracts for Chinese projects worth Dollars 1.3bn (Pounds 870m) and another 134 letters of intent worth billions more.
  23. "There'll be a little weakness here, a little there, but nothing really to collapse us one way or the other," he said.
  24. The collapse of the independent ticket, therefore, was seen as a fillip to President Bush's chances of winning re-election on November 3. Thursday's advance in stock prices would have been bigger had it not been for the rise in German interest rates.
  25. Warner, a former U.S. ambassador to Switzerland who now lives on an Ocala horse farm, filed for Chapter 11 financial reorganization in October 1987 to consolidate $4.5 billion sought in lawsuits against him as a result of the Home State collapse.
  26. The fuel-tank collapse at Ashland's Floreffe Terminal that caused the contamination stemmed from a dime-sized flaw in the tank's nearly 50-year-old steel wall.
  27. Three others were electrocuted when wind knocked down live electrical wires. Another person died in a building collapse, and a 60-year-old laborer died from exposure, the report said.
  28. The Red River had started to recede in parts of Arkansas, but 100 National Guardsmen, reinforced by two helicopters hauling sandbags, labored to prevent the collapse of a levee guarding the town of Garland.
  29. Italy, for example, has seen its credit-driven business with Algeria, Iran and the ex-Soviet Union collapse under payments pressure.
  30. MR Yitzhak Shamir, the Israeli prime minister, pledged yesterday to continue Middle East peace talks despite the imminent collapse of his coalition government.
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