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 clincher ['klɪntʃɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 敲弯钉尖的用具, 紧钳, 铆钉

  1. Nice scored twice within six minutes of Bellion's introduction, and the on-loan striker set up the late points clincher.
  2. You probably could have worked out that the writer did not know what he was talking about, but the phrase DNA is a clincher.
  3. And Mourning clearly can still play, given his eight-point, six-rebound, five-block, all-dramatic effort in the Game6 clincher over the Mavericks.

[ noun ]
  1. an argument that is conclusive

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. a point or fact or remark that settles something conclusively

  4. <noun.cognition>
  5. a tool used to clinch nails or bolts or rivets

  6. <noun.artifact>

Clincher \Clinch"er\, n.
1. One who, or that which, clinches; that which holds fast.

2. That which ends a dispute or controversy; a decisive

  1. But perhaps the real clincher for Mr. Rafsanjani is the endorsement he has received from the Khomeini family.
  2. Fear as a clincher in performance reviews.
  3. The clincher, critics say, is the comparison with Fords built after 1980.
  4. The Redskins drove in from there, with a Rypien-to-Monk 11-yarder, on a crossing pattern called a "scram dig" (no fooling) providing the clincher.
  5. "The tone is not the same," he told reporters. "You can see how far we've come in a few years." Reagan's summit meeting with Gorbachev in Moscow apparently was the clincher.
  6. But the clincher, it seems, is what he has been doing for the past two years: setting up and running his own multimedia investment company. His appointment is a clue not only to developments in the magazine world, but to Time Warner's wider strategy.
  7. The clincher, he said, was when they were able to authenticate the Trist manuscript by establishing that its paper and bindings were identical with those in Trist's notebooks of the time.
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