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 cirrhosis [si'rәusis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 肝硬化

[医] 硬变; 肝硬变

  1. Clinical impression was cryptogenic cirrhosis.
  2. P : Doctor, I have got cirrhosis, haven’t I ?
  3. Alcohol and cirrhosis: Dose-response or threshold effect?

[ noun ]
a chronic disease interfering with the normal functioning of the liver; the major cause is chronic alcoholism

Cirrhosis \Cir*rho"sis\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? orange-colored: cf.
F. cirrhose. So called from the yellowish appearance which
the diseased liver often presents when cut.] (Med.)
A disease of the liver in which it usually becomes smaller in
size and more dense and fibrous in consistence; hence
sometimes applied to similar changes in other organs, caused
by increase in the fibrous framework and decrease in the
proper substance of the organ.

  1. His father, Carey Falwell, was a restaurateur and bootlegger who killed his drug-addled younger brother in a gun battle, then died of cirrhosis of the liver when Mr. Falwell was 15.
  2. A Battelle Memorial Institute invention gives a chemical breakdown of the breath every 1.5 seconds, allowing continuous monitoring of the breath for chemical signs of disease, such as cirrhosis of the liver and lung cancer.
  3. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh and Veterans Administration Medical Center in Pittsburgh reviewed cases of 56 patients with alcoholic cirrhosis who received liver transplants in Pittsburgh and Denver from 1963 to June 1987.
  4. The researchers, led by Dr. Thomas Starzl of the University of Pittsburgh, said criticism over treating alcoholic cirrhosis with liver transplants is based on the mistaken view that alcoholism is a moral failure.
  5. A lower court later decided to release the younger Ceausescu for three months because he was suffering from severe cirrhosis of the liver and couldn't tolerate jail conditions.
  6. Most people infected with hepatitis B suffer mild symptoms and then recover, but about 10 percent become carriers of the virus and a fourth of these eventually will develop liver cancer or cirrhosis.
  7. At least 46 percent of the cirrhosis deaths among U.S. men, and at least 15 percent of cirrhosis deaths among women, is attributable to heavy drinking, the CDC said.
  8. At least 46 percent of the cirrhosis deaths among U.S. men, and at least 15 percent of cirrhosis deaths among women, is attributable to heavy drinking, the CDC said.
  9. And deaths from liver cirrhosis run 253% higher for the Portuguese, 259% higher for the Italians and 216% higher for the French than they do for Americans.
  10. The agency reported Friday that 26,151 Americans died of chronic liver disease and cirrhosis in 1986; 42 percent of those deaths were associated with alcohol.
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