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 catastrophe [kә'tæstrәfi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 大灾难, 大祸

[化] 突变

[经] 大灾难, 大事故

  1. The earthquake was a terrible catastrophe.
  2. Because of the failure the catastrophe will be coming.
  3. An occurrence causing widespread destruction and distress; a catastrophe.

[ noun ]
  1. an event resulting in great loss and misfortune

  2. <noun.event>
    the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamity
    the earthquake was a disaster
  3. a state of extreme (usually irremediable) ruin and misfortune

  4. <noun.state>
    lack of funds has resulted in a catastrophe for our school system
    his policies were a disaster
  5. a sudden violent change in the earth's surface

  6. <noun.phenomenon>

Catastrophe \Ca*tas"tro*phe\, n. [L. catastropha, Gr. ?, fr. ?
to turn up and down, to overturn; kata` down + ? to turn.]
1. An event producing a subversion of the order or system of
things; a final event, usually of a calamitous or
disastrous nature; hence, sudden calamity; great

The strange catastrophe of affairs now at London.
--Bp. Burnet.

The most horrible and portentous catastrophe that
nature ever yet saw. --Woodward.

2. The final event in a romance or a dramatic piece; a
denouement, as a death in a tragedy, or a marriage in a

3. (Geol.) A violent and widely extended change in the
surface of the earth, as, an elevation or subsidence of
some part of it, effected by internal causes. --Whewell.

  1. Earlier last week, French Foreign Trade Minister Michel Noir said that the lower dollar was a "catastrophe" for Airbus Industrie and will force the consortium to sell its wide-bodied jets at a loss.
  2. For a year following the catastrophe, the Armenian ministry worked with Doctors Without Borders making an inventory of the drugs.
  3. Ironically, a cosmic collision on that scale brings global catastrophe by ice rather than by fire.
  4. Buyers of catastrophe reinsurance can still beat prices down.
  5. Failure to settle the disagreement, which is primarily between the United States and Germany, would be "a rather unfortunate situation, but it would not be a crisis or a catastrophe," he said.
  6. "The biggest problem we have to fight now is the catastrophe of the Polish economy," he said.
  7. She found many quake victims died in other cities after an estimated 250,000 people evacuated San Francisco on boats and trains within three days of the catastrophe.
  8. Bernd Horion, a spokesman for Rhineland Palatinate state, said the West German man died at a Ludwigshafen clinic, more than two weeks after the world's worst air show catastrophe.
  9. With appalling swiftness, the Kurdish refugee catastrophe has put the brilliance of the military victory in the Gulf into a chilling new perspective.
  10. On Thursday, the State Department called the Marxist government's shutdown of international relief operations in northern Ethiopia "a human catastrophe." The area has seen intense fighting between separatist rebels battling Ethiopian leader Lt.
  11. That light, spotted from a mountain top in Chile last Feb. 24, was the first sign for astronomers of the celestial catastrophe.
  12. Drug users at the workplace, Reagan said, "pose a threat to their co-workers and represent a corporate crisis and a national catastrophe." First lady Nancy Reagan, in a separate speech, indicated that she agreed.
  13. Yeltsin has lambasted Gorbachev's plan as a "catastrophe" that is "doomed to fail" within months.
  14. But it is something close to a catastrophe in a country where electoral outcomes are slow to change and for a party that's not used to losing votes.
  15. The record for catastrophe losses was $2.8 billion in 1985, the year of hurricanes Elena and Gloria.
  16. In the Ukraine, the Chernobyl catastrophe is certain to bring more hardships.
  17. 'They simply lurch from one catastrophe to the next, leaving chaos and dismay in their wake,' he told the Fire Brigades Union at Bridlington.
  18. The exchange in the past has ardently defended its market-making system, saying specialists helped prevent financial catastrophe during the 1987 and 1989 market declines.
  19. "It's a world-class catastrophe, a benchmark for the worst-case spill ever," Curtis said. "It does call again for re-examination of tanker design.
  20. President Salinas knows free trade didn't produce the environmental catastrophe now evident in the command-and-control economies of the former Soviet bloc.
  21. As long as we are unable to rid ourselves of AIDS, we should at least not punish those who have been infected, which itself is enough of a catastrophe.
  22. Mr Ota Kaftan, head of supervision at the central bank, says only: 'It is not a catastrophe.' The large banks claim they have already moved over to international accounting and so the change in calculation does not apply to them.
  23. "It has become a catastrophe.
  24. "I think we have gotten ourselves locked into a syndrome where everybody thinks that any fall in the dollar is a catastrophe," he says.
  25. No sign of comfort in the south, Page 9 The United Nations is to begin airlifting supplies for hundreds of thousands of Rwandan refugees in Zaire today in what aid agencies said was a belated attempt to avert a human catastrophe.
  26. "That is the catastrophe waiting to happen to elderly Americans," he said.
  27. Hughes, which has launched just one satellite a year since the 1986 catastrophe, has 12 launches scheduled for next year.
  28. Sometimes it can take a near catastrophe to reveal the extent of corporate complacency.
  29. The industry has claimed such protection would lock up vast sections of the federal forests to logging, creating economic catastrophe in dozens of one-mill towns.
  30. "It's a very large medical catastrophe and assistance is needed to improve the diagnosis process and start treatment earlier," he said.
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