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 campsite ['kæmp`saɪt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 营地

  1. We stopped at a campsite for a week.
  2. An enclosure of bushes or stakes protecting a campsite or village in northeast Africa.
  3. Had to cast about for an hour, looking for a good campsite.

[ noun ]
a site where people on holiday can pitch a tent

  1. "To me, there's a little irony that a favorite prehistoric campsite has become one of our biggest campgrounds today," said Michael Beckes, regional archaeologist for the U.S. Forest Service's eastern district.
  2. Two deputies picked her up from a lawn chair this morning and moved her bodily from her campsite to a sidewalk across the street. She offered no resistance and did not appear to say anything as she was being moved.
  3. Tepees were erected near a cavalry campsite.
  4. The map was discovered at the LaRue County campsite of Phillip E. Clopton, 39, of Louisville, who was found dead Thursday after the Louisville girl called the State Police from a store several miles away.
  5. Two U.S. Navy jets mistakenly dropped a dozen bombs about 300 yards from a campsite, leaving six campers shaken, including one who was slightly injured by shrapnel.
  6. Outside the museum, a handful of living-history enthusiasts in 19th century garb milled around a campsite erected for the weekend. Inside, visitors examined exhibits telling the trails' story through diary excerpts, journals and letters.
  7. In 1978, 216 people were killed when a tanker truck overfilled with propylene gas exploded on a coastal highway south of Tarragona, Spain, setting off a fireball that devastated a nearby campsite.
  8. The largest, most squalid campsite was across the street from Casa Romero.
  9. The Indians called the place "Chicasa." Researchers requested the help of a NASA airplane equipped with infrared sensors in an effort to locate the campsite.
  10. Volunteers worked overnight Monday to try to save the 6,000-year-old campsite, but were forced to retreat as waters rose.
  11. California then restricted all use of the campsite land because it was in a flood plain.
  12. Mayor Art Agnos on Wednesday defended as "low-keyed and responsible," a sweep of up to 50 homeless people from a campsite of tarpaulins and plastic sheets near City Hall.
  13. The campsite's population continued to drop Monday as the immigrants complied with a sheriff's order to leave or face trespassing charges.
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