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 breakfast ['brekfәst]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 早餐

  1. Would you like breakfast now?
  2. We breakfasted early.
  3. Can I have breakfast in my room?

[ noun ]
  1. the first meal of the day (usually in the morning)

  2. <noun.food>
[ verb ]
  1. eat an early morning meal

  2. <verb.consumption>
    We breakfast at seven
  3. provide breakfast for

  4. <verb.consumption>

Breakfast \Break"fast\, v. t.
To furnish with breakfast. --Milton.

Breakfast \Break"fast\, n. [Break + fast.]
1. The first meal in the day, or that which is eaten at the
first meal.

A sorry breakfast for my lord protector. --Shak.

2. A meal after fasting, or food in general.

The wolves will get a breakfast by my death.

Breakfast \Break"fast\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {breakfasted}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Breakfasting}.]
To break one's fast in the morning; too eat the first meal in
the day.

First, sir, I read, and then I breakfast. --Prior.

  1. One day American tourists will arrive at Heathrow Airport and find that English taxi drivers no longer speak English, or know where to find back streets and the English bed and breakfast will call itself a motel.
  2. "Well, then, why don't we just close those dumb, dumb schools," Cavazos told reporters gathered for a breakfast briefing.
  3. Dukakis, according to participants in a breakfast meeting attended by about 100 black supporters from across the country, also promised an increased black presence in his national and state campaign organizations.
  4. "We share the president's view." The president's comments came in a statement the White House released after Mr. Bush hosted a two-hour breakfast with congressional leaders.
  5. Her daily routine at the nursing home is to have breakfast in bed and then spend the day caring for her possessions, including dolls and stuffed animals.
  6. Budget Director James Miller said at a breakfast with reporters that he was "concerned about the Fed's overreacting" to the dollar's drop.
  7. In San Diego, about 200 Republicans attending a fund-raising breakfast cheered their approval as Mr. Quayle shouted that Americans are "fed up" with the status quo in Washington.
  8. Wind-whipped seas devastated the seaweed harvest off Wales, denying Welshmen their traditional St. David's Day breakfast delicacy of laverbread, which is made with the plant.
  9. It was either spend the night here or in their cars," he said. "Then she got up in the morning and cooked breakfast for everybody." She also had a keen sense of humor.
  10. Mr. McNutt, who is providing the piano for the breakfast, established the arts group after migrating to Randall two years ago from Minneapolis with his piano-tuning partner Joel Yushta.
  11. Nearly all the 7,000 inhabitants in the Shek Kong Detention Center refused to have breakfast and lunch Saturday, said a police spokesman on condition of anonymity.
  12. "School has become the only place for some kids where they get a smile and a warm breakfast.
  13. Mitchell, at a breakfast meeting with reporters, said he wasn't suggesting withdrawal.
  14. He invited Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl Gates in for breakfast in a subtle continuation of his effort to make crime control a central theme of his candidacy.
  15. A handful of breakfast cereals provide more than 25 percent.
  16. In the past, consumers have gulped at rising prices, but continued to buy their breakfast staple nonetheless.
  17. Bush and Gorbachev will be among NATO and Warsaw Pact leaders signing a historic treaty slashing non-nuclear weapons in Europe. The two superpower leaders will also have a private breakfast on Tuesday.
  18. The entertainer, a vegetarian, ate a normal breakfast of orange juice and toast, but for dinner Damien cooked seven different dishes for him so he would have a choice, Galloway said.
  19. After breakfast, Dukakis and Bentsen and their wives drove over to the bank of the Pedernales River where former President Johnson is buried in a family plot shaded by huge live oak trees.
  20. Atkins was away from home eating breakfast, but his wife Leona spoke to the president for about five minutes.
  21. At a fund-raising breakfast in Fort Wayne, Bush said Dukakis waffled on whether to support President Reagan's retaliatory strike against Iran in the Persian Gulf, and he accused both Dukakis and Jackson of being soft on penalties for drug-pushers.
  22. Eight hundred supporters of the Democratic presidential candidate attended a breakfast for the candidate at the Radisson Hotel at which Rep. William H. Gray III, D-Pa., stood in for Jackson.
  23. An informal poll of the group's members since the tumble found the "vast majority" expecting somewhat slower growth but no recession, Mr. Jasinowski told reporters at a breakfast meeting yesterday.
  24. Gregory, who markets "Dick Gregory's Slim-Safe Bahamian Diet Nutritional Drink Mix," put Hudson on a rigorous diet, substituting liquid for his breakfast of a dozen eggs and his dinner of two chickens.
  25. At a February breakfast meeting that participants recall as stormy, major shareholders urged Mr. Brennan to break up Sears.
  26. So how about planning ahead by preparing breakfast the night before, including such foods as fruit juice, a whole-wheat bagel, yogurt or perhaps a banana.
  27. The pasta and sauce will be used for pregame meals and the Flames are taking their own breakfast foods due to a concern about the lack of cereals and eggs.
  28. Each day's breakfast newscasts offered consumers an unpalatable diet of increasing prices.
  29. "We're willing to be on the same level as Britain," French Finance Minister Pierre Beregevoy said at a press breakfast yesterday.
  30. After breakfast, Scofield works chopping wood, painting, repairing walls and ceilings.
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