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 baseball ['beisbɒ:l]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 棒球

[计] 棒球系统

  1. Baseball is the national game of the USA.
  2. Baseball is more popular than any other sport in Japan.
  3. Cooperstown, New York, is said to be the birthplace of baseball.

[ noun ]
  1. a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs

  2. <noun.act>
    he played baseball in high school
    there was a baseball game on every empty lot
    there was a desire for National League ball in the area
    play ball!
  3. a ball used in playing baseball

  4. <noun.artifact>

Baseball \Base"ball"\, n.
1. A game of ball, so called from the bases or bounds (four
in number) which designate the circuit which each player
must endeavor to make after striking the ball.

2. The ball used in this game.

  1. "If they're playing baseball here, I'm watching. The Cubs could swap their whole team for minor leaguers and I'd still come out," said he.
  2. He was convicted on two counts of filing false income tax returns for failing to report more than $350,000 in income from gambling, autograph signing and baseball memorabilia sales.
  3. Squatting behind home plate for the White Sox this young baseball season, 40-year-old Carlton Fisk feels lousy.
  4. By lunchtime, Mr. Kitajima, abandoning all hope of a strong rally, shows off a baseball cap labeled "Hot Trader."
  5. Before agreeing to any concessions, however, union officials want guarantees the former baseball commissioner and his partners have a viable plan for running the airline and no plans to sell any more of Eastern's assets.
  6. She had previously worked with Bochco on the short-lived series about a minor-league baseball team, "Bay City Blues."
  7. David Redden, Sotheby's senior vice president in charge of collectibles, books, manuscripts and coins, said he initially had some concerns about "what the attitude around the company would be" about selling baseball cards.
  8. Toronto _ President Bush meets with Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and attends a Bluejays baseball game.
  9. The high-flying Pirates have been baseball's biggest surprise this year, leading the National League Eastern division. What's more, management believes the scrappy club can sell 2 million tickets, enough to eke out a profit.
  10. Last year, Canada's constitutional referendum coincided with the Blue Jays' victory parade, after the baseball players became the first non-US team to win the World Series.
  11. His impatience with mistakes of any kind is clearly evident at the baseball game.
  12. In 1953, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a 1922 ruling that Major League baseball did not come within the scope of federal antitrust laws.
  13. Two Indianapolis businessmen have purchased the Seattle Mariners baseball franchise for $76 million.
  14. But baseball's legal battery is now criticized by some owners, and some lawyers familiar with events, for largely letting events roll along.
  15. Several baseball sources said Giamatti pushed for a settlement because he was afraid the case would continue to linger in court, preventing him from disciplining Rose.
  16. It's a mystery to me why, but she did it." The Chicago Cubs became this year's first baseball team to win a division title, beating Montreal, 3-2, to clinch the National League East crown.
  17. In popular myth, baseball was invented in Cooperstown by Abner Doubleday.
  18. The president repeated a line that Babe Ruth delivered to a crowd in Yankee Stadium when he was dying of cancer: "You know, the only real game in the world, I think, is baseball.
  19. And much of the area between the two cities is not densely populated at all." Some Washingtonians fear the budget-office decision could derail the city's effort to win its own major-league baseball team.
  20. The stamps featuring Lou Gherig, Jackie Robinson, Babe Ruth and Roberto Clemente have been combined in a new albumn, with four matching baseball cards included.
  21. There is, though, a real monopoly problem involving NFL franchises: Because there are many more municipal stadiums than football (or baseball or basketball) clubs, cities desiring Major League Status must sell the taxpayer's barn for a shot at stardom.
  22. Along with the makeshift glasses and scopes, the most popular items at sidewalk stalls in advance of the eclipse were baseball caps at $1.50 or less and T-shirts ranging in price from $1.75 to $6.
  23. The ad, created by Leo Burnett Co., shows a macho baseball pitcher stalling after throwing "ball three" while a packed stadium whirrs in front of him.
  24. Clark gained fame and plaudits from the Reagan administration and most of his school's students and parents for his no-nonsense approach, which included roaming the halls with a baseball bat and a bullhorn.
  25. Polonia's attorney, Dennis Coffey, issued a statement Thursday that the player accepted full responsibility and wanted to apologize to the girl, his team and professional baseball.
  26. The 1972-74 A's, arguably baseball's best team of the last three decades, won championships while averaging under one million in annual home attendance, and the franchise was thought to be shaky until quite recently.
  27. George W. Bush III is the high-profile member of a team that is buying the baseball playing Texas Rangers for about $46 million.
  28. It was early evening when Lepine, a baseball cap on his head, walked into a classroom at the engineering school where students were presenting their projects before the Christmas break.
  29. Even candy-maker Leaf Inc. and Fuji Photo Film Co. Ltd., which each spent $5 million to sponsor nationwide Major League baseball, localize with events like Fuji Photo Day at the ballparks.
  30. Because fans - the poor pathetic things they are - love baseball, even if baseball does not love them.
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